

人气:195 ℃/2024-01-16 12:13:04

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Gorillas make hilarious attempts to avoid rainfall at South Carolina zoo in viral video


A viral video from a South Carolina zoo showed a group of gorillas behaving just like humans as they tried to take shelter from the rain.

The gorillas at the zoo were seen beneath an overhang. Each of two female gorillas clutched a baby in its arms as they all cautiously looked for an escape way to drier ground.

1.viral video广为传播的视频

2.gorillas /ɡəˈrɪl.ə/ n(西非)大猩猩

3.behave/bɪˈheɪv/ v.(以某种方式)行事,表现

She always behaves well/badly when her aunts come to visit.


They behaved as if nothing had happened.


4.shelter/ˈʃel.tər/ n.掩蔽(处);遮蔽(处)

They opened a shelter to provide temporary housing for the city's homeless.


The trees gave/provided some shelter from the rain.


5.take/ find shelter躲避

We took shelter for the night in an abandoned house.


“Gorillas are magnificent, majestic creatures full of grace and beauty... except when it rains,” zookeeper Brooke Hunsinger captioned the video on Facebook.

“Gorillas are magnificent, majestic creatures full of grace and beauty... except when it rains.”

— Brooke Hunsinger, zookeeper

6. magnificent /mæɡˈnɪf.ɪ.sənt/ adj.极好的;壮丽的;令人羡慕的

a magnificent view壮丽的景色

a magnificent piece of writing文笔出众的杰作

7.majestic/məˈdʒes.tɪk/ adj. 雄伟的;壮丽的;威严的

8. creature /ˈkriː.tʃər/ n. 生物;动物

Blue whales are the largest creatures ever to have lived.


9. grace /ɡreɪs/ adj. 优美,优雅,雍容

Joanna has natural grace and elegance.


10. except /ɪkˈsept/ prep./ conj.(表示不包括)除…之外

The museum is open daily except Monday(s).


The government has few options except to keep interest rates high.


11. Caption/ˈkæp.ʃən/ v. 图片说明

a captioned photograph一幅带有文字说明的照片

One brave gorilla, named Acacia, hugged the wall of the overhang in an effort to minimize wetness and stayed around a corner out of the rain. As the three other gorillas followed, each made a human-like face to show its hate to getting wet.

12. hug/hʌɡ/ v.拥抱,搂抱(以示喜欢或欣赏);紧靠,紧挨

The road hugs the coast for several miles, then turns inland.


a figure-hugging dress紧身衣

Have you hugged your child today?


13. effort /ˈef.ət/ n. 气力;精力;努力

You can't expect to have any friends if you don't make the effort with people.


14. in an effort to 企图(努力想);试图要

15.minimize /ˈmɪn.ɪ.maɪz/ v .使降到最低限度;使减到最少

We must minimize the risk of infection.


16.wetness /'wɛtnɪs / n. 湿润;下雨

17.corner /ˈkɔː.nər/ n. 角;拐角处;墙角

You go around corners too fast when you're driving!


Some social media users advised they should send the gorillas umbrellas.

The male gorilla, Cenzoo, waited for the females, Macy and Kazi, and their babies, Mo and ZaKota, to make it to the dry area before leaving the overhang himself.

The video has been viewed nearly 8 million times since Hunsinger posted it on May 3.

18.social /ˈsəʊ.ʃəl/ adj. 社交的,交际的

I had an active social life when I was at college.


19.media/ˈmiː.di.ə/ n. 大众传播媒介,媒体

the local/national media地方/全国性媒体

20. male/meɪl/ adj. 男(性)的;男子的;雄性的,公的

male students男学生

a male giraffe雄性长颈鹿

21.female/ˈfiː.meɪl/ adj.女性的;妇女的;雌的;母的

She was voted the best female vocalist.她当选最佳女歌手。

22.view/vjuː/ v.看;观看

There's a special area at the airport where you can view aircraft taking off and landing.


23.post /pəʊst/ v.(在网站上)公布,发布(信息);发(帖)


I never post anything on the Internet that I wouldn't want my boss to see.


She hardly ever posts on Facebook.


My letter must have got lost in the post.


Read the passage again and answer the following questions:

A viral video from a South Carolina zoo showed a group of gorillas behaving just like humans as they tried to take shelter from the rain.

The gorillas at the zoo were seen beneath an overhang. Each of two female gorillas clutched a baby in its arms as they all cautiously looked for an escape way to drier ground.

“Gorillas are magnificent, majestic creatures full of grace and beauty... except when it rains,” zookeeper Brooke Hunsinger captioned the video on Facebook.

One brave gorilla, named Acacia, hugged the wall of the overhang in an effort to minimize wetness and stayed around a corner out of the rain. As the three other gorillas followed, each made a human-like face to show its hate to getting wet.

Some social media users advised they should send the gorillas umbrellas.

The male gorilla, Cenzoo, waited for the females, Macy and Kazi, and their babies, Mo and ZaKota, to make it to the dry area before leaving the overhang himself.

The video has been viewed nearly 8 million times since Hunsinger posted it on May 3.

1. Where were the gorillas seen at the zoo when it was raining?

2. What were two female gorillas doing?

3. Why did the brave gorilla, named Acacia, hug the wall of the overhang?

4. Were the gorillas like humans?

5. How many times has the video been viewed?









1.They were beneath an overhang.

2.They all cautiously looked for an escape way to drier ground.

3.To minimize wetness.

4.Yes, they were.

5.Nearly 8 million times.



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