

人气:489 ℃/2023-11-24 21:33:32



1. The most amazing thing about nature is its ___ variety.大自然最让人惊叹的是它的无限多样性。

2. China has been making great efforts in maintaining the ___ balance of nature for many years.多年来中国一直在努力保持自然界的生态平衡。

3. Mr. Sharp would not ___ on the nature of the issues being investigated.夏普先生不愿就被调查问题的性质发表评论。

4. The protests had been ___-political by nature.这些抗议活动不带政治色彩。

5. The rise of a major ___ is both economic and military in nature.一个大国的崛起究其实质包括经济和军事两个方面。

6. Jeya feels that her ambitious nature made her unsuitable for an ___ marriage.耶娅觉得她不安分的个性不适合包办的婚姻。

7. She ___ people. That was her nature.她信任别人,这是她的天性。

8. He was by nature ___.他生性温柔亲切。

9. All these activities are ___ nature.所有这些活动都是违背常理的。

10. She was very anxious to ___ away from cities and back to nature.她特别渴望离开城市,回归自然。

11. Peacekeeping, by its nature, makes ___-planning difficult.维和行动本身的特点决定了预先制定计划很困难。

12. One could argue that smoking, by its nature, is ___.有人可能认为抽烟从本质上说具有成瘾性。

13. I’m afraid I have to answer a ___ of nature.抱歉我要去趟洗手间。

14. Of course, in the nature of things, and with a lot of drinking going on, people failed to ___.喝了那么多酒,大家当然没能察觉到。

15. There is movement towards, I think, something in the nature of a ___ system.我想出现了某种向类似多元体系转变的趋势。

16. It was in the nature of a debate rather an ___.那更像是一场辩论,而不是争吵。

17. Planning ahead had always ___ as second nature to her.预先计划一直是她的习惯。

18. It’s not easy at first, but it soon becomes ___ nature.起初不容易,但很快就习惯了。

19. They drove into the mountains for a weekend of nature ___.他们周末开车进山去观察自然。

20. Even as a child he loved nature, and ___ being in the countryside surrounded by animals.孩提时他就热爱自然,喜欢生活在周围有动物的乡村。

21. This new technique of artificially growing cells ___ what actually happens in nature.这种人工培育细胞的新技术是模仿自然界实际发生的现象。

22. She’s very interested in nature ___.她对自然类节目很感兴趣。

23. Feeling tired-___ is Nature’s way of telling you to rest.感觉疲惫不堪是自然在提醒你该休息了。

24. They moved out of the city and went to live on a farm so that they could ___ back to nature.他们迁出城市来到农庄生活,是为了回归自然。

25. Some of our friends laugh at our back-to-nature ___, but we enjoy it.我们的一些朋友讥笑我们回归自然的简朴生活方式,不过我们喜欢。

26. He could be kept alive artificially, but I think it would be kinder to let nature take its ___.可以使用人工的方法使他活着,不过我想让他自然死去更仁慈一些。

27. He’s a ___-natured little boy.他是个讨人喜欢的小男孩。

28. I have a problem of a rather ___ nature that I’d like to discuss with you in private.我有一个很伤脑筋的问题,想和你私下讨论一下。

29. The ___ of the punishment depends very much on the nature of the crime.惩罚的严与宽在很大程度上取决于犯罪的性质。

30. It’s the nature of linen to ___ easily.容易起皱是亚麻布的特性。

31. Motor-___ is by nature a dangerous sport.赛车本质上是一项危险的运动。

32. There are problems in every relationship – it’s in the nature of ___.每一种关系中都有一些问题 – 这是理所当然的事。

33. Owning a car involves a lot of expense – that’s the nature of the ___.拥有汽车要有许多开支 – 这是在所难免的。

34. As a child she had a lovely ___ nature – everyone loved her.她孩童时生性活泼开朗 – 大家都喜欢她。

35. It’s not really in her nature to be ___.她的本性并不真是好斗的。

36. He is by nature ___ to be rather lazy.他天生懒惰。

37. She’s very ___ in nature.她是个天生的乐天派。

38. We grew up in the countryside, surrounded by the ___ of nature.我们在乡下长大,周围是美丽的大自然。

39. Everyone should know the importance of nature ___.每个人都应知道自然保护的重要性。

40. The inhabitants of the island fight a constant battle against the ___ of the nature.那座岛上的居民经常和大自然的力量抗争。

41. All these materials are ___ in nature.所有这些材料都能在自然界中找到。

42. Disease is the nature’s way of keeping the population ___.疾病是大自然控制人口的方法。

43. He is a child with a happy, easy-___ nature.他是个个性开朗,容易相处的孩子。

44. It’s just not ___ Jane’s nature to lie.简天生不会撒谎。

45. She was ___ nature a very affectionate person.她生性就是个非常亲切的人。

46. I tried appealing to his ___ nature but he wouldn’t agree to help us.我想唤起他的善良本性,但他就是不同意帮助我们。

47. Of course she’s jealous – it’s only ___ nature.她当然嫉妒 – 这是人的天性。

48. They asked a lot of questions about the nature of our ___.他们询问了许多关于我们民主制度本质的问题。

49. He ___ the nature of the relationship between the two communities.他调查了那两个社区之间关系的特点。

50. The ___ nature of the problem is not well understood.大家还未弄清楚该问题的确切本质。

51. Any government funding would be ___ in nature.任何政府资助终究都是暂时性的。

52. Capitalist society is by its very nature ___.从本质而言,资本主义社会是不稳定的。

53. The support being given is of a ___ nature.提供的支援是实用性的。

54. I never ___ myself with questions of that nature.我从不自寻烦恼考虑那类问题。

55. In the nature of things, there is ___ to be the occasional accident.按照事物的规律,偶尔发生事故都是必然的。

56. The enquiry will be more in the nature of a public meeting than a formal ___.调查将更像一次公众会议而不是正式的听证会。

57. They believe that ___ is against nature.他们认为自杀违背天性。

58. The best cure for a cold is to let nature ___ its course.治感冒的最好方法就是顺其自然。

59. Most of those city ___ want to get back to nature in their holidays.大部分城市上班族休假时都想回归自然。

60. My hometown is in an area of ___ natural beauty.我的家乡是在一个自然风景秀丽的地区。

61. At the time, accepting his ___ had seemed the most natural thing in the world.当时,接受他的提议似乎是再自然不过的事了。

62. It’s not natural for a child of his age to be so ___.像他这个年纪的孩子如此安静不正常。

63. It’s only natural that he should be interested in what ___.他关注所发生的事情是很正常的。

64. It was a perfectly natural mistake to ___.犯这样的错误完全不足为奇。

65. Babies have a natural fear of ___.婴儿本能地害怕跌倒。

66. Cheryl has a natural ___ about her.谢丽尔身上有一种与生俱来的优雅。

67. His natural ability with ___ is surprising.他在数字方面的天赋令人惊讶。

68. Be ___, be natural.保持冷静,自然一点。

69. An adopted young person has the right to ___ his natural parents.被收养的年轻人有权寻找自己的亲身父母。

70. He was ___ to be the natural son of a duke.谣传他是某位公爵的私生子。

71. I’m sure there’s a ___ natural explanation.我相信一定有一种纯自然的解释。

72. Manufacturers now choose to emphasize the naturalness of the ___ used in their products.生产商现在决定要注意其产品原料的天然性。

73. People think I am a ___, but I’ve had to work at it.人们认为我有天赋,但我也是得靠努力的。

74. Naturally, you’ll want to discuss this ___ your wife.当然,你一定想和你妻子商量一下这件事。

75. Naturally enough, she wanted her child to grow up fit and ___.很自然,她希望自己的孩子健康茁壮成长。

76. ‘Am I ___ in?’ ‘Naturally.’ “我可以进来吗?”“当然。”

77. My hair is naturally ___.我的头发生来就是鬈的。

78. Speaking in public seems to ___ quite naturally to her.当众演讲似乎是她与生俱来的能力。

79. Just speak naturally and ___ the microphone isn’t there.自然地说就行,就当麦克风不存在。

80. Naturally we want to see as few job losses in the ___ as possible.当然我们希望看到这一行业中尽可能少的人失业。

81. ‘You will try to be ___ when you explain to her why she hasn’t been invited, won’t you?’’Naturally.’“当你向她解释为什么没有邀请她时,你会讲得圆通写,是吗?”“那当然。”

82. Of course you’re ___ about your dog’s death – that’s only natural.你的狗死了,你当然很难受,这一点不奇怪。

83. It’s natural that you should feel upset when you first leave home – that’s an entirely natural ___.当你第一次离开家时感到难过,这是相当自然的反应。

84. It’s quite natural to experience a few ___ just before you get married.在你结婚之前你会有些疑虑,这是很自然的。

85. That’s the wool in its natural state before it’s ___ and dyed.那是天然的羊毛,没有纺过,也没有染过。

86. People say that breast-feeding is better than ___-feeding because it’s more natural.人们说母乳喂养比人工喂养好,因为前者更加自然。

87. It’s not natural for a woman to ___ so thin!妇女这么瘦是不正常的。

88. He died from natural ___.他正常死亡。

89. Floods and earthquakes are ___ disasters.洪水和地震是自然灾害。

90. He has a natural ___ for sports.他有运动的天才。

91. She’s a ___ leader.她是个天生的领袖。

92. You shouldn’t wear so much make-___ – it spoils your natural beauty.你不要这样浓妆艳抹,它会毁损你的自然美。

93. She’s a natural ___.她是个生就的金发女郎。

94. I like to drink natural ___ water.我喜欢喝天然矿泉水。

95. Our products are prepared using only the ___ natural ingredients.我们的产品是完全用优质天然成分制成的。

96. We went to see the dinosaur ___ in the Natural History Museum.我们到自然博物馆参观恐龙骨骼。

97. Computers are increasingly being used for natural language ___.计算机正越来越多地用于自然语言的处理。

98. It’s a country which is ___ in natural resources.这是一个自然资源丰富的国家。

99. She can’t have any troubles ___ to ride a horse – you can see she’s a natural.她学骑马不会有任何困难,她是个天生骑马的料子。

100. It is only natural for youngsters to ___ the excitement of driving a fast car.年轻人追求开快车的刺激是太正常不过的事情。


朗文当代高级英语词典[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, PEARSON. 2014


1 infinite 2 ecological 3 comment 4 non 5 power 6 arranged 7 trusted 8 affectionate 9 against 10 get 11pre 12 addictive 13 call 14 notice 15 pluralistic 16 argument 17 come 18 second 19 study 20 enjoyed 21 copies 22 programs 23 out 24 get 25 lifestyle 26 course 27 sweet 28 delicate 29 severity 30 crumble 31 racing 32 things 33 beast 34 sunny 35 aggressive 36 inclined 37 cheerful 38 beauties 39 conservation 40 force 41 found 42 down 43 going 44 in 45 by 46 better 47 human 48 democracy 49 examined 50 exact 51 temporary 52 unstable 53 practical 54 trouble 55 bound 56 hearing 57 suicide 58 take 59 workers 60 spectacular 61 offer 62 quiet 63 happens 64 make 65 falling 66 elegance 67 figures 68 cool 69 trace 70 rumored 71 perfectly 72 ingredients 73 natural 74 with 75 strong 76 allowed 77 curly 78 come 79 pretend 80 industry 81 tactful 82 upset 83 reaction 84 doubts 85 spun 86 bottle 87 so 88 causes 89 natural 90 talent 91 natural 92 up 93 blonde 94 mineral 95 finest 96 skeletons 97 processing 98 rich 99 learning 100 crave

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