Tama, Station Master
In southeast Japan, there is a small train station called Kishi Station. In 2003, the station was caught in business turmoil between a struggling train company and its bigger competitor, who eventually gained control of the area's business by absorbing the small company. Out of options, she begged the president of the new railway to let the poor, homeless cats live in the station.
The president was moved by the request, and when he saw Tama, something clicked. He immediately decided the cat was his—and the station's—good luck charm and, just like that, swore Tama in as Kishi's new station master. The adorable Tama, with his official hat and station master badge, soon became a nationwide celebrity. People would flock to see him despite having no other business in the area, turning the formerly dwindling station into a money-making machine. It is estimated that Tama has single-pawedly raised over $10 million for the station.When Tama eventually becomes too old to handle his duties, the railway company has prepared: The station master recently gained a new apprentice, a young cat called Nitama.
Hank The Cat, Politician
On Election Night 2012, a surprise grassroots candidate in Virginia called Hank raked in a hefty 7,000 votes and $16,000 for pet rescue groups. He proved to be a real threat to the powers that be, to the point where he even attracted smear campaigns from a concerned party called, strangely, "Canines for Feline Free Tomorrow."This may have been because Hank was, in fact, a cat—a handsome, nine-year-old Maine coon. Although he sadly didn't win the Virginia seat in the Senate race, he did place third, which is shockingly close for a third-party candidate that wasn't even human. It is uncertain whether this says more about the awesomeness of Hank the cat or the public's distrust of ordinary politicians.
Dewey Readmore Books, Reading Ambassador
In 1988, he was found among the book returns by the staff of a public library in Spencer, Iowa. Though—he was an official library employee as Supervisor of Staff, an extremely fitting job title for a cat.Dewey Readmore Books passed away in 2006, in the arms of the Head Librarian. However, he still remains on the library's shelves—Dewey is listed as a contributing author in several works by Vicki Myron, the Library Director.
Orangey, Movie Star
the orange tabby cat who was a permanent fixture in Hollywood's golden age movies, ranging from serious dramas to science fiction to horror. His most notable role is probably Audrey Hepburn's "poor slob without a name" cat in Breakfast at Tiffany's, a role that earned him the prestigious "animal Academy Award" known as a PATTY.
Blackie The Talking Cat, Performer
In 1981, Blackie the Talking Cat became famous for his ability to "speak" two phrases upon request, "I love you" and "I want my mama."Blackie's owners capitalized this talent by negotiating paid appearances on various TV and radio shows.
Mike, Museum Guard
Between 1909–29, the main gate of the British Museum had an efficient, if ill-tempered, guard who scared stray dogs away and kept all other unwelcome four-legged visitors at bay. This gate guard was known as Cat Mike. Mike was a particularly angry animal who hated almost everything. Apart from dogs, Mike intensely disliked other cats and regularly chased them away from the premises.
Chessie, Corporate Spokescat
Chessie the kitten was the longtime mascot and spokescat for Chesapeake & Ohio Railways. She started her "life" in a 1933 issue of Fortune magazine as an ad that featured a picture of a dozing kitten and the slogan "Sleep Like a Kitten."The kitten's popularity soon exploded and her image started appearing everywhere.The railway company got real kittens to play the part of Chessie, and introduced another cat mascot called Peake, forming a cutesy pun on "Chesapeake."In one form or another, Chessie was the face of C&O's corporate brand for over 50 years. They finally stopped using her in 1986, when another railway company called CSX Transportation bought C&O. The new logo—a sleek, geometric stylizing of the letters CSX—may be more modern, but it definitely lacks the impact of Chessie's adorable, sleeping face.
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