
美式英语口语万能句型 斯特里普告诉你什么叫秀色可餐

人气:101 ℃/2023-11-28 02:17:00



A bizarre Instagram account presents Meryl Streep as you’ve never seen her before by turning her into foods such as avocado on toast with Photoshop.


The post shows hot Meryl, resplendent in a black strapless dress and a fur stole, emerging from a cream filled cake. She’s also been merged with another confection in an image in which she appears to be part of a pink doughnut. Wearing a pink gown and clutching a white lap dog, she looks good enough to eat.


The Instagram account is the brainchild of a woman calledSamantha Rayewho created these unique images. It’s not clear that what she’s trying to make a particular point. But they have certainly kept many followers amused since the account appeared.



A mother and daughter from the UK spent £30,000 on their pet Chihuahua Queenie to make her a trendsetter in canine couture.


Mum Josephine and her daughter Kelly have been spending a fortune on the pet’s outfits since two years ago when they bought her. Queenie now boasts a wardrobe bigger than that of most humans, hung with doggy fashion outfits, accessories, bags and high-end beauty products. She even has her own bright pink personalized buggy in case she gets tired of walking.


Queenie has now taken the Internet by storm and almost has a whopping 30,000 followers on Twitter. “People always think we are mad but we wouldn't change it for the world; it's all just a bit of fun,” said the mother Josephine.




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