当前位置:宠物百科>综合>猫咪>正文2025年03月05日 15:25 星期三


人气:472 ℃/2024-02-08 01:18:25




Recently, the debate over whether to keep pets during pregnancy has resurfaced.and draw a heated discussion.

Due to a variety show, guest Ma jianyue's mother advised her pregnancy to send two cats and a dog away, and is repeatedly insisted that pregnancy can not keep a cat and dog, female star Cherrie Ying is also strongly support its mother.

Mother Ma was worried that after the baby was born, there would be no place to play.




Ma jianyue compromise, put forward to send to a friend's foster care, later to take back...... Mather Ma all don't agree: "you with cat dog incompatibility", It's like to give orders!

And as an observer of the program, Cherrie Ying said on the spot the alarmist rumor that cat hair causes asthma in children, and openly advocated the pseudo-science of "pregnancy can't keep pets" in the program.

A lot of cat lovers are going to explode when they see this! Some people have already convinced their parents, but when the show comes on, many parents may have to take the opportunity to go back on their words.


Terrible is, Ma jianyue actually in their persuasion sent two cats and a dog away.


What did wrong the pets?




Today, I'm going to ask for justice for cats - avoid rumors!

Rumors ➀ : baby no nose hair, cat hair affect the baby's breathing, and even lead to suffocation.

Nonsense! How can them exaggerate so much? Cat fur is still too big for the respiratory system! Even if there is a very small chance of passing through the esophagus into a child's stomach, it will eventually be excreted!

First let's take a look at the respiratory system.

To prevent foreign matter into the respiratory tract is not only a nose hair, nose breathing airflow and respiratory airway also has this function, only 10 μm in diameter of the foreign body can enter the respiratory tract, 0.5 to 2 μm in diameter and can enter into bronchus, diameter less than 0.5 μm to enter the lungs, and a cat hair between 20 to 60 μm in diameter, which is more than can enter human body the size of the respiratory tract, not to mention into the bronchi, even into the lungs.




Secondly, "cat hair" is actually a very easy problem to solve!Frequently clean, sweep robot, vacuum cleaner and other intelligent electrical appliances, can completely solve the cat hair worry!and you can shave the cat, but we don't recommend it.



Rumors ➁ : a cat is easy to cause the baby rhinitis, allergies and asthma

Guangzhou TV station program "health 100FUN" invited the authoritative expert team of domestic respiratory department "Zhong Nanshan team" to do a program, the experts put forward in the program: keeping a pet can help children to adapt to allergy sources in advance, greatly reduce the probability of children suffering from asthma, the sooner the better!



Rumors ➂ : cat lead to miscarriage, fetal abnormalities.

Many people, especially older people, who think keep cats and dogs are thought to be infected with toxoplasmahave, a hard time changing traditional attitudes, leading to a lot of pressure on mothers-to-be. In fact very early CCTV news has avoided rumors!


All in all, dogs and cats have a very low chance of contracting toxoplasma.



There are still many "Ma jian yue" in our life, being coerced by emergencies or forced by parents, helpless "abandoned" or, should not be confused by rumors.

The fact that you have to give away your pet because you are pregnant happens every day in ordinary people's homes. However, this time, as a public figure and program, many netizens feel very angry after seeing that many cats and dogs will be abandoned due to the remarks made on TV that "pregnant people should not keep cats and dogs".


Also a star, another pregnant mother in the show did not send the cat and dog away, she is li ai, during her pregnancy not only has the daily interaction with the pet, and even specially photographed a "family photo." And ma jianyue's approach in sharp contrast.


Li sheng, too, keeps pets scientifically during pregnancy, and sends the cat away without following others' advice. She also posted this funny and loving picture on weibo.


She even published the correct concept that pregnancy can keep pets, spread the idea of scientific pet feeding, which is worth learning from many people.


When Huo siyan was in primary school, her parents forced the cat away for fear that it would affect her studies... Perhaps because of this experience, she vowed not to do anything similar to her children in the future. Now a lot of dogs in the home, never see her stop hum with their contact, just teach hum how to get along with small animals. Well, isn't that great?



A doctor said, "how can children survive in so many pet-owning families in America? "

Are foreign children born healthy? Of course not, people abroad believe in science more! Pregnancy and pet ownership do not conflict!



  • 孕前检查,准妈妈和猫咪都需要;
  • 给猫咪按时打疫苗,定期驱虫;
  • 尽量不触碰宠物粪便,找人代劳及时清理;
  • 不要散养猫咪,不要喂食生肉;
  • 尽可能避免接触流浪猫。

To sum up, having a baby and keeping a pet are two things that don't conflict at all!

But also pay attention to the scientific cat, summed up as follows:

  • Pre-pregnancy tests are needed for both expectant mothers and cats;
  • Vaccinate cats on time and deworming them regularly;
  • Try not to touch pet feces, find someone to clean up in time;
  • Don't feed free range cats, don't feed raw meat;
  • Avoid contact with stray cats if possible.




If there are people who advise you to abandon your child while pregnant, please share this article to them!

In any case, please consider carefully whether you can keep a cat or a dog for a lifetime before you decide whether to keep it or not!

We don't know how bad the influence will be after the broadcast of mango TV, and how many cats will be abandoned, but please spread the word! Let more people know the correct science knowledge "pregnant can keep a cat"!


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