

人气:224 ℃/2024-08-02 20:20:33




193 My Sweet Teddy


194 Platypus






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My Sweet Teddy泰迪熊


U.S. president Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt loved to hunt. Ironically, his passion for this sport led him to become a conservationist. In November of 1902, Roosevelt tried to settle a border dispute between two Southern states. During a break in negotiations, he was invited to go bear hunting. By the end of the second day, however, he still hadn't shot anything. Someone in the party cornered a cub and tied it to a tree for Roosevelt, but he refused to shoot. He would kill game in the wild, he said, but he "drew the line" where captive animals were concerned. He said, "If I shot that little fellow, I [w]ouldn't be able to look my boys in the face again."

Word of his soft heart quickly reached the press, and an artist named Clifford Berryman turned the incident into a cartoon. Morris Michtom, a Russian immigrant, saw it in The Washington Post and asked his wife Rose to make a toy version of the cartoon bear. Michtom wrote and asked Roosevelt for permission to name the toy "Teddy's Bear," using the President's nickname, and sell it in his novelty store in Brooklyn. The President didn't see how his name would help sales, but he readily consented to his request.

Though a German toy manufacturer was working on a stuffed bear at the same time, it is the American version of the teddy bear's tale that lives on in history. It is the most cherished stuffed animal in the world today.




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While scientists call it Ornithorhynchus, most people know it as a platypus. It has a nose like a duck's bill, webbed feet like a frog or a duck, a tail like a beaver's, and a body covered in fur, even though it loves swimming. This is truly one of nature's weirdoes.

This Australian oddity of nature is unique, to say the least. It has so many unusual features that it makes us think twice about how we classify the creature. The platypus lays eggs. This is unusual in that this animal is a mammal. Mammals give birth to live offspring, whereas reptiles, fish, and birds hatch their young.

Another unique thing about this cute-looking creature is that it carries a deadly poison. It would be very unlikely that platypus poison could prove fatal to a human, but it can kill many other creatures that are only a bit smaller than us. If a platypus were to stick you with its poisonous spur, the pain would be severe and hospitalization might be necessary.

The weirdness doesn't end there. These creatures shut their eyes when they swim underwater, and instead of using sight to find their food, they use electricity. Their bills can sense the electricity in other living bodies and tell them when they have located a bit of prey.

"Platypus" is a perfectly acceptable name, but perhaps an even more fitting one might be the poisonous electric-billed beaverfrog. What do you think? Not bad, huh?

科学家称它为 Ornithorhynchus,而大家所知道的名称则是鸭嘴兽。它的鼻子有如鸭喙,脚上有蹼像青蛙或鸭子,尾巴似海狸,虽然热爱游泳却体覆软毛。这种生物真是自然界里的怪胎。





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