

人气:419 ℃/2024-08-23 08:17:50

The free dogs of India


These canines have independent, peaceful, happy lives without a pet's constraints. Why are they being persecuted and culled?


Unbound by human owners and the constraints of petdom, they live the doggiest of dog lives: they sleep when they want, mingle with friends they choose, pee when the urge hits, and eat when hungry ­– as long as food can be found. Wandering the streets of Chennai in southern India, we saw them dozing alone or in company on pavements, seeking shelter from the heat under a van, watching children playing on the beach, or being cared for by local residents. Part of Indian street life, these free-living dogs stand in stark contrast to the culture of pet ownership found in the West. Not only do they defy the image of the out-of-control and marauding canine stalking the sensationalist articles of 19th-century newspapers in Western Europe and North America, they ask us to question our sanitised cities and stewardship of a world with nature at so much risk.


Too often in the West, dogs are seen through the prism of pedigree, and connected to their owner via collars and leashes. All too often, the realities of how dogs and humans live together in the Global South are overlooked. As a country with a significant street-dog population, India is a good place from which to explore how humans and canines share street life in cooperative ways that move beyond images of free-living dogs as dangerous.


Exposing the reality is crucial given rising media calls for culling Indian street dogs, exposing them to rhetorical and actual violence. The condemnation of street dogs as risky and unwelcome is rooted in colonial attitudes, and overlooks complex and varied everyday interactions, often positive, between dogs and humans. Discussing their lived experience will help the dogs themselves, and also help us reflect on how humankind can share the planet with all the other creatures who live on it.


Free-living dogs pose a fundamental challenge to the idea that animals must serve some human purpose. Their lives contradict the Western understanding of dogs as creatures who belong to a particular breed or a mixture of breeds. They show that ‘breed’ is only one way of thinking about dogs, even if it is dominant in the West and has spread across the world.


The idea that 'legitimate' dogs must belong to a breed based on appearance and conformation to physical standards comes from mid-19th century Britain, including the upper-class fox-hunting kennels and the working- and middle-class penchant for 'dog fancy' shows. Dog shows and the creation of the Kennel Club in 1873 provided the arenas and infrastructure for dog breeds to be displayed and their lineages recorded. Kennel clubs and dog shows spread across Europe and North America, positioning breedless street dogs as lesser dogs of unsavoury and degenerate appearance and lineage. Colonialism spread breed ideologies to Africa and Asia. In colonial India, the British imported 'purebreed' dogs, establishing Kennel Clubs and dog shows that allowed British and local elites to mingle; although some Indian dogs were entered into competitions, they were dominated by British and European breeds.

“受认可的”狗必须能根据其外貌和体态特征归于某一品种,这种观点来自于19世纪中叶的英国。那时有上层社会的猎狐犬舍,还有工人阶级和中产阶段钟爱的“时髦狗狗”秀。狗狗秀和1873年成立的皇家养犬俱乐部(Kennel Club)为犬种展览和血统登记提供了场地和设施。养犬俱乐部和狗狗秀风靡欧洲和北美,将非纯种的街头犬贬低成不上台面、外貌丑陋、血统卑贱。品种论又随着殖民主义传入了非洲和亚洲。英国人把“纯种”犬引进印度殖民地,建立起皇家养犬俱乐部和狗狗秀,允许英国和当地的贵族品种交配。尽管一些印度犬也能同场一较高低,但各类犬展主要还是英国和欧洲犬种的舞台。

Yet dogs existed before breeds, and most dogs living on this planet today cannot be understood in terms of breed. These are the dogs we call free-living dogs. Other names that have stuck include 'stray', 'tramp' and 'cur'. These terms positioned free-living dogs as degraded and disgusting, creatures who should be killed.

然而,狗在“品种”这个概念出现前就已经存在,如今生活在地球上的大多数狗都不能以“品种”一概而论。我们称这类狗为自由生活的狗。其他一直存在的称呼还包括“流浪狗” “游荡狗” “杂种狗”。这些名称将自由生活的狗定位为地位低下、令人作呕、应被宰杀的生物。

The status of dogs in India now contrasts sharply with that in Western countries, where any dog found wandering outside on the street is considered stray and liable to impoundment and being killed if not retrieved or rehomed. Widespread culling of 'straying' dogs and the introduction of neutering has virtually eradicated free-living dog populations in the West. In places such as India, dogs have many more opportunities for life than in places like the UK where they are allowed to exist only under human ownership.


While Indian law and public attitudes recognise the legitimacy of street dogs, transnational animal welfare and public health ideas continue to challenge their status as autonomous free-living animals. While street dogs in India are not killable, they are often treated as needing either control or rescue, and sometimes both. Norms about public health, nuisance and development cast free-living dogs as creatures to be controlled through 'removal' to unspecified locations and fates.


Alongside rescue and adoption initiatives meant to bring the benefits of petdom to street dogs, one finds neutering and vaccination programmes directed at controlling their populations and reducing the incidence of rabies.


Neutering refers to castration in males and ovariohysterectomy in females, both major surgeries with long-term impacts on the individual animal's life. The side-effects of surgery are only increased by the serious harms that can come with capture, transport and kennelling. Neutering is nonetheless seen as best practice in animal welfare for dogs because of Western norms about the 'inferior' quality of life experienced by dogs who are not owned by humans.


The lives of India's street dogs challenge us to examine mindsets and culture in the age of the Anthropocene, where humans dominate and nature is beset by the climate crisis and habitat destruction worldwide. Before we save faraway wildlife, we may need to truly see the dogs who live free, near our homes. Free-living dogs can be pests and threats to human health, but they can also contribute to human wellbeing through companionship and relationships of mutual care. In India, everyday acts of care, such as stopping to fuss over two local dogs while whizzing around the metropolis, point to how humans and other animals can live alongside each other in the human-built world.


Instead of worrying only about endangered species, perhaps we should focus on animals in our midst. Learning to live with and respect free-living dogs, rats, gulls, cockroaches and mosquitoes might well be a crucial stepping stone for learning to protect the lions, pandas and elephants at risk and far from home.


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