Whenever I tell people that I teach English at the Berlin Zoo, I almost always get a questioning look. Behind it, the person is trying to figure out who exactly I teach... the animals?
Since June 2017, right before the ______(56)(arrive) of the two new pandas, Meng Meng and Jiao Qing, I have been helping the panda keepers at the zoo to feel more comfortable and ______(57) (confidence) speaking English. And who do they speak English ______(58)?
Not the pandas, even though ______(59) language used for the medical training instructions is actually English. They talk to the flood of international tourists and to ______(60)(visit) Chinese zookeepers who often come to check on the pandas, which are on loan from China. They also need to be ready to give ______(61)(interview) in English with international journalists. This is ______(62) they need an English trainer.
So, what are they learning? ______(63)(basic), how to describe a panda’s life. It’s been an honor to watch the panda programme develop ______(64) to see the pandas settle into their new home. As a little girl, I ______(65)(wish) to be a zookeeper when I grew up. Now, I’m living out that dream indirectly by helping the panda keepers do their job in English.
Whenever I tell people that I teach English at the Berlin Zoo, I almost always get a questioning look. Behind it, the person is trying to figure out who exactly I teach... the animals?
Since June 2017, right before the arrival of the two new pandas, Meng Meng and Jiao Qing, I have been helping the panda keepers at the zoo to feel more comfortable and confident speaking English. And who do they speak English with?
Not the pandas, even though the language used for the medical training instructions is actually English. They talk to the flood of international tourists and to visiting Chinese zookeepers who often come to check on the pandas, which are on loan from China. They also need to be ready to give interviews in English with international journalists. This is why they need an English trainer.
So, what are they learning? Basically, how to describe a panda’s life. It’s been an honor to watch the panda programme develop and to see the pandas settle into their new home. As a little girl, I wished to be a zookeeper when I grew up. Now, I’m living out that dream indirectly by helping the panda keepers do their job in English.
56. arrival 57. confident 58. with 59. the 60. visiting 61. interviews 62. why 63. Basically 64. and 65. wished
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