Curiosity is the most powerful thing you own. Imagination is a force that can actually manifest a reality. 好奇心是你拥有的最有力的东西。想象力是一种希望,它可以反映现实。
Curiosity drives you to go forward bravely, regardless of failure. Imagination helps you to see hope and get rid of fear. Whatever you are doing,failure is an option,but fear is not. 好奇心驱动你奋勇向前,不惧失败;想象力帮助你看见希望,除去畏惧。不管你在做什么,失败都是一个选项,但畏惧不是。
Curiosity makes you overlook limitations. Imagination allows you to see infinity. Stay free, stay open. Don't put limitations on yourself. Other people will do that for you. 好奇心让你忽略局限;想象力让你看到无穷远处。保持自由,保持开放。不要局限你自己,别人会替你做局限。
Curiosity drives you to explore continuously. Imagination hopes you constantly see hope. Embrace hope. Keep moving forward. Be ready to embrace uncertainty and make a change. Every day is full of change. Every day is filled with uncertainties. Compose the chapter of life in the ups and downs of life, guided by curiocity and imagination. 好奇心牵引你持续探索;想象力帮助你不停地看到希望。拥抱希望,持续前进。随时做好准备, 拥抱不确定并做出改变。每一天都充满了变化,每一天里都充满着不确定。在好奇心和想象力的引导下,在生活的起起落落中谱写生命的华章。
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