法国斗牛犬的习性与特征 关于法国斗牛犬热你应该知道的5件事儿
The frenchbulldog is a smart and loving dog, that is strongly connected to his humanfamily. The breed is a fun loving and freethinker, that is easy to train withpositive training tactics. If you are considering the French bulldog as yournext pet, here are five things you should know.
1. The french bulldog has been selectively bred to retain certain mutations ofDwarfism. The result is a breed susceptible to intervertebral disk disease,osteochondritis dissecans, hip dysplasia , vertebral malformations, diskherniation, spina bifida, and reproductive problems. To best avoid theseconditions, it is important to keep you Frenchie at optimal weight. Do notoverfeed your French Bulldog!
2. Frenchbulldogs love children and children generally lover Frenchies. The Frenchbulldog is a born entertainer and can occupy a child’s attention for long stretches of time. The breed is small but notso fragile, however like with any breed of dog, never leave a child and a dogunsupervised. Harm could be inflicted by either party.
3. FrenchBulldogs are great for apartments and small homes. The breed does not require alot of exercise. They are relatively low energy dog, although you may find anexception from time to time. Because the breed is not likely to burn a lot ofenergy it is important to regulate their weight by feeding them a high quality,calorie appropriate diet.
4. The Frenchbulldog has a single short coat. This means the breed is not suited for coldweather. If you do live in a cold climate, be sure to provide your FrenchBulldog with extra covering. This is fairly easy as it seems there are a ton ofdoggie boutiques, selling practical and stylish clothes for your dog.
5. Because of a legacy extreme and often times poor breeding practices theFrench Bulldog has more than their share of health issues. One of the moreapparent and deadly is their short muzzle, which affects the dog’s breathing and ability to regulate body temperature. For thisreason you want to make sure you Frenchie doesn’t overexert himself in hot and/or humid weather.
There you have it, five things anyone considering a French Bulldog as theirnext pet should know.
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