世界宠物杂志最权威的 轻松阅读英美外刊原著研习社
激增除了说increase rapidly还有什么更精准有力的说法
原文标题:Do our pets ever really love us – or do they just stick around for the food?
今天的文章是来自The Guardian《卫报》的内容。作为喵妈很多年的Summer也是怀着忐忑的心情读下去的……但其实不论结论如何,我们还是依旧会“一厢情愿”的爱宝贝们不是么?而且还有这么多语言点可以学,所以勇敢地读下去吧
We dote on our cats and dogs, but is it a one-way relationship? Here's what science tells us about how to decode their emotions, whether they are avoiding us or getting a little too amorous with our legs.
=show (too) much fondness for sb/sth 溺爱,宠爱。
不及物动词,后面一直会跟着on, dote on. 比如说She dotes on her grandchildren.她十分宠爱孙儿女。类似的意思也可以用pamper来表达(大家还记得帮宝适么,就是与之相关的音译)。Spoil呢则是侧重把小孩或者其他被溺爱的对象给惯坏了,比如我们常会用spoiled kids来形容那些爱胡来的年轻人。
=analyse and interpret 解码。
很明显是de- code组成的,所以如果code a message是给信息编码/加密的意思,decode a message就是将信息解码/解密。
First, some definitions. There is something very British about the fact we have many, many words to describe types of falling moisture (mist, drizzle, hail, sleet, etc) and yet the most dramatic and powerful of emotions – motivating billions of humans to do extraordinary things for one another each day – is chucked into a single bucket labelled, rather blandly, "love".
首先我们要定义一些概念。在英语里非常有趣的一个现象就是,我们有很多很多的词描述各种水气陡降(雾,细雨,冰雹,霰等),然而面对最具戏剧性、最为强大的情感,那种每天会激励数十亿人做出非常之举的感情,却只有个非常笼统的称呼—— 爱。
=rain in many fine drops 下蒙蒙细雨,下毛毛雨。
这个词还有另外一个很可爱的用法,就是做菜时说撒上点什么东西的时候也可以说drizzle, 比如Drizzle the soy sauce over the chicken.把酱油淋在鸡肉上。
=falling snow or hail mixed with rain 雨夹雪,霰。
=(infml) throw (sth) carelessly or casually (随便地)扔,抛(某物)。
chuck old clothes away/out 把旧衣服扔掉/出去。这里chuck这个非正式的动词,加上其后接的宾语bucket桶这样一个毫无特色的东西,表明了作者对于笼统地探讨爱很无语的态度。与此意思(胡乱混杂在一起)相关的还有lump.
=round open container with a handle for carrying or holding liquids 圆桶。
=without striking features, uninteresting 无显着特征的,无趣的。
He has a bland appearance. 他外表平庸。原文是这个意思,只是变作了副词blandly. 另外bland这个词说食物的话就是清淡的,不刺激的。也可以说人的举止行为很温和。所以bland的词义非常依赖上下文。
One can't help but feel that the ancient Greeks had it right, by pulling love apart into various strands. Storge("store-gae") is the love between family members, for instance;erosis erotic love;philiais something like the loyalty that friendship brings;philautia is love for the self. And so, in this piece, I would like to break the concept of pet love into these neat and easily digestible Greek chunks.
将爱分门别类的古希腊人在这点上兴许是正确的。比如说storge("store-gae")是家庭成员之间的爱; eros是充满爱欲的情爱; philia更像友谊带来的忠诚; philautia对自我的爱。因此在本文中,我将利用这些古希腊类别对宠物之爱的概念进行分解,使其更加明晰、易于消化。
=single thread of string or fiber 线(的绺、股)。
因此引申出“分类”“侧面”这样的涵义,比如说one strand of her argument 她的一个论点。
=of or arousing sexual desire 性欲的,情色的。
要注意需要分清erotic (or sensual)和pornographic (or risqué), 一般前者指代比较健康且艺术的情欲的表达,后者多指不健康的黄色内容。第一段里还有amorous, 大家觉得是哪个方向的呢?
=capable of being digested or easy to digest可/易于消化的。
所以在这里digestible就相当于easy to understand或者understandable易于理解的。同时要注意digestible的拼写哦。
=a thick solid piece 一段,一块。
一般用来说a chunk of bread, meat, ice, wood, etc一大块面包﹑肉﹑冰﹑木头等。这里就是用chunk来很宽泛地指代那些不同的古希腊关于爱的概念。
To storge, familial love. It won't surprise you to learn that dogs, more than any other pet, exhibit oodles of this form of love for us. And, unlike most other pets, these attachments have been the subject of many scientific studies.
=of or relating to the family 家庭的。就是family的形容词。
familial obligations家庭责任;familial relationships家庭关系。其实这样的短语中用family也完全可以,不过familial听上去要正式/学术很多。
=(infml) great amounts, lots (of sth)大量,很多。
比如说可以说oodles of money 很多钱。其实Summer自己最常听到的类似的词汇还是loads和tons. 要注意oodles本身就是复数名词,不存在'oodle'.
The science confirms what we knew all along, that most dogs actively chooseproximity to humans and, within a few months of being born, a puppy's attraction is clearly toward people rather than other dogs. Dogs exhibit varying degrees of separation anxiety when their humans temporarily leave them. Blood pressure rates in dogs lower when they are being stroked by us. It is a form of storge that we share with one another. No question.
=nearness in space or time, closeness (空间或时间上的)邻近,接近。
正式/学术词汇,而一般不正式的情况完全可以把choose proximity to变成choose to stay close to.
=pass the hand gently over, usu again and again 轻抚,抚摩(通常指反复地)。
比如说stroke a cat, one's beard, 抚摩猫﹑自己的胡须。在抚摸动物这个意思上和pet的动词用法非常接近。
Studies of brain chemicals add further weight to this relationship. In dogs and humans (in fact all mammals) the behaviours that bond individuals are maintained through a cocktail of molecules that are absorbed in different ways by the brain. Many of these are regulated by brain hormones that includevasopressin and oxytocin, the (dramatically over-hyped) "love" molecule.
=any mixture of substances 混合物。
比如说 a lethal cocktail of drugs 致命的混合药物。大家都知道cocktail原意是鸡尾酒,而cocktail也经常会指代像是各种酒/饮料混在一起似的各种混合物。
=a polypeptide hormone secreted by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland 抗利尿激素,血管加压素。
和oxytocin催产素(上上篇精读也有涉及Summer23 | 你的英语可以裸考SAT托福雅思还是GRE?)在结构上非常类似,甚至功能上有重叠之处(抗利尿、宫缩以及个体间关系的维系)。
In all mammals (including humans) production of this hormone spikes when individuals are sexually aroused, while giving birth and while nursing offspring. It also rises when we see those that we love, particularly close family members. Interestingly, dogs respond with an oxytocin surge not only when interacting with one another, but also (unlike nearly all other mammals) when interacting with humans.
=sharp rise 峰值,猛升。名词动词同形的spike原意是指尖尖的钉子状的东西,随后有了出现峰值的意思。另外说自己网很卡也可以用这个词哦getting lag spikes或者ping spikes.在猛升这个意思上spike就和后面的surge非常相似,这个意思非常重要且常见,需要着重掌握,这篇【Summer专栏18】有房就有梦?(南早Inkstone)也有讲解哦。
A similar phenomenon occurs with cats. One small-scale study suggests that cats do receive an oxytocin boost upon being petted by their owners, so there may be love there, but it reflects one-fifth of the amount seen in dogs. If anything sums up cats, it's this.
=increase 增加,提升。
Boost也是既可以是名词,又可以是动词。比起spike和surge呢,boost虽然也指增加,但一般幅度不大。正好原文就是在介绍猫咪催产素的小幅增加(和狗狗比起来),所以boost用得恰到好处。继续给两个boost作为名词的例子give the economy/the pound a boost使经济/英镑有起色;give sb's confidence a boost增强某人的信心.
=treat with affection, esp by stroking it 宠爱,(尤指)抚摸。
Ancient Greeks had no word for cupboard love, but, undoubtedly, this is a love the vast majority of animal pets may feel for us. The pet frog or snake that readies itself from its slumber when the humans appear with food. The fish that swarm to the top of a tank at feeding time. Even invertebrates such as stick insects andhissing cockroaches might approach something like this form of love. And you really could argue that it's a kind of love – something close to philia, a loyalty or a dependable friendship, with the emphasis on food dependability. Sure, it's not a love that inspires sonnets, but it's something.
cupboard love
=affection shown by children or animals, in order to get what they want 有所企图的爱。
Cupboard是碗橱的意思,所以cupboard love在字面上可以理解为“想要得到碗橱里的东西(代指事物)所展现出的爱意”。在半世纪前精神分析psychoanalysis如火如荼的时候,cupboard love被很多心理学家拿来解释动物或者是小孩是如何和别人缔结感情的。现在cupboard love可以拿来描述任何一种动机不纯/有所企图的感情。当然,傍大款我们还是习惯说find someone a sugar daddy.
=(fml orjoc) sleep睡眠。
fall into a deep slumber 酣然入睡。slumber也可以是动词,另外注意这种用法一般都是异常正式乃至好笑,需拿捏准再使用。
=not having a backbone or spinal column 无脊椎的(动物)。
stick insect
=a long thin insect that looks like a small stick 竹节虫。
因为瘦长又和当地环境融为一体,竹节虫绝对是都市迷彩隐形高手。另外也有人用stick insect(又名walking stick)来给那些瘦高的人起绰号用。
hissing cockroach
=one of the largest species of cockroach native to the island of Madagascar, also called hisser 马达加斯加蟑螂。
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