Key Points:
1. Why(What/where) do(does) 主语 动词(宾语)…
2. Because 句子/because of 短语…
3. Be (come) from…来自
4. Kind of…有点/all kinds of…各种各样
5. One of the 形容词最高级…最---之一
6. In danger…处于险境/dangerous…危险的(产生/引起危险)
7. Pet(宠物), mascot(吉祥物), koala(考拉), panda(熊猫), giraffe(长颈鹿), lion(狮子), elephant(大象), kangaroo(袋鼠)
Why do you like pandas?
I like pandas because they are cute.
Why does your father like kangaroos?
He likes kangaroos because he is from Australia.
Why do you dislike a snake?
I do not like a snake because it is scary.
Where are lions from?
They are from South Africa.
What animals does your mother like?
My mother likes cats and dogs. She keeps them as pets, even as mascots.
Talk About Animals谈论动物
At 63th Grammy(格莱美音乐奖), on March 14, 2021, Taylor Swift, Beyonce and Megan Thee Stallion made history(创历史).
Swift is the first female singer to win album (专辑)of the year three times. Beyoncé won the female artist(艺术家). Megan Thee Stallion is the first female rapper (说唱歌手) winner(获奖者). Swift was born on December 13, 1989, in Pennsylvania(宾夕法尼亚州).
When Swift was in fourth grade, she won a national poetry contest(诗歌竞赛). Swift's lyrics (歌词)are highly autobiographical(自传的); she has said that "If you listen to my albums, it’s like reading my diary(你听我的歌集,就像读我的日记." In 2010, Swift played in the film Valentine's Day(情人节). Swift has been featured on the cover of a number of magazines(出现在很多杂志封面).
Megan Thee Stallion was born February 15, 1995. in San Antonio, Texas(德克萨斯州), moved to Houston after her birth. She is an American rapper, singer, and songwriter. She first became popular on social media platforms (社交平台)such as Instagram.
In 2020, Time magazine named her one of the 100 most influential people in the world. Megan Thee Stallion ‘s real name is Megan Jovon Ruth Pete .
She adopted the stage name "Megan Thee Stallion" because she was called a "stallion"(种马) in adolescence (青春期)due to her height (5′10″) and "thick" body frame: voluptuous (丰满的)and statuesque (雕塑般的)women in the South are colloquially (俗语)called stallions.
On March 6, 2020, her song "Savage" went viral on TikTok(抖音), then "WAP" with
Cardi B. She keeps four dogs as her pets.
Taylor Swift, Beyonce and Megan Thee Stallion love animals, such as donkeys, monkeys, elephants, lions, tigers, giraffes, pandas, dogs, cats, snakes, koalas, kangaroos, horses, wolf, ox, goat, chicken, parrot, hawk, etc.
However, I do not like snakes because they look scary. I like cats very much as they are very cute. But my sister does not like a cat because it seems very lazy and sleeps all the time.
Elephants are very smart because they can remember things very well. They can even play soccer or music, draw pictures. In Thailand(泰国), the elephant is one of their symbols. A white elephant is a symbol (符号)of good luck. But in American or some other countries, a white elephant is the symbol of being useless.
So we have to pay attention to cross culture communication(跨文化交流). One man’s meat is another man’s poison(萝卜青菜,各有所爱). Some animals are in great danger, and we must take good care of them to keep the biological balance.
We have a lot of idioms with animals. For example:
A wolf in sheep’s clothes. (披着羊皮的狼)
Lion’s share—占大份额
Kill two birds with one stone. (一箭双雕)
Take the bull by the horns.迎难而上
A barking dog seldom bites. 嘴狠手软
Let sleeping dogs lie.别惹麻烦
Like a fish out of water.生命垂危,很难过
Money makes the mare go. 有钱能使鬼推磨
These celebrities are kind-hearted. They not only love animals, but also do a lot of charity work(慈善公益). They help a lot of people. They set us a good example. We must learn from them.
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Note: The video is from QQ Music, and the pictures (except my own pictures) are from pixabay.com and other internet sources. If there are right protection, please contact the author, the pictures and video would delete instantly. Thank you.视频来自优酷和QQ音乐。图片(除我自己的图片外)来自pixabay.com及其他网络.特此致谢。如有侵权,请联系作者,立刻删除。谢谢。Brendan Ma
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