

人气:479 ℃/2023-12-09 01:26:41


Tamar Longmuir, 38, says she was informed of her missing neighbor, 83, by the woman’s friend on Saturday afternoon and immediately started searching her farm in Bodmin, Cornwall. She was joined by other members of her family who live and work on the farm.

The searchers then noticed her cat, Piran, was sitting in the gate to one of the maize (玉米) fields—meowing (猫叫) at them constantly. “The cat is very attached to her, and he was going back and forth in the gateway and meowing, so I decided to go and search the maize field,” Longmuir said.

While searching she heard a low, weak voice for help. According to Bodmin police, the woman had fallen about 70 feet down a very steep embankment (路堤), with incredibly difficult access and rough terrain (地形). “She had gone through the barbed wire (带刺铁丝网) and was lying in the stream—we think she had been in there for hours,” Longmuir said.

She called local authorities for help. “After about two hours she was carried up to safety and into the air ambulance,” Longmuir said. “Without the cat waiting at the gate to that field, it could have been hours later that I or anyone else would have checked in there.”


1 . Who told Tamar Longmuir the news about her neighbor?

A Her friend.

B Her neighbor’s friend.

C Her family.

D Her neighbor’s family.


***Wish you good luck!***



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