
深度解释天道 到底什么是天道

人气:220 ℃/2024-10-18 01:15:38

道德经 第一章 众妙之门

























a. 因为你一旦去描述,大脑就必将进行词汇的选择,这就是歧义之一。

b. 歧义之二就是听者也会对同一词汇有不同理解。



a. 按修行的术语描述:让自己处于不思即静思中,类似冥想状态。或者你能完全做到无欲无求的思想状态。

b. 按科学的言语描述:就是去除你的表意识思维,放空自己,去感受剩下的集体潜意识所传达的信息。(天下具有一体性即潜意识都是共通的)。在去除表意识思维的过程中,你也可以把其认为是你的表意识与潜意识高度统一。






世间中的所有伟人,之所以能成为伟人就是因为他们能把自己认识灌输给别人,使别人产生共振即认同即喜欢,这就引发了巨大的集体能量。所以社会发展至今,古人所创造的那些被世代所接受的概念往往聚集的能量更高,因为这些概念所积累的时间更长。 所以当你学习这些传承下来的集体概念时你会被卷入高能量集合。 能量集合分为正能量集合,比如概念善良,概念佛,概念幸福。和负能量集合,比如概念贪婪,概念自私,概念地狱等。正能量集合往往是振频高的思维波所构成。负能量集合则是由振频低的思维波构成。 所以在接受教育学习集体认知的时候,人们通常把高振频概念与愉悦、平静感进行链接。把低振频概念与恐惧焦虑的感觉进行链接。 而那些杀人变态等之所以能泯灭人性却乐此不疲,其实他们只是没被集体认识链接洗脑,他强大的自我意识自行把自己催眠,把集体的高振频感觉理解为恶。所以他们能反世道而行,其实只要这些人能把这个意识能力用在正途,他们都会是杰出的伟人。








Chapter 1

The WAY that can be told of is not an unvarying way.

The names that can be named are not unvarying names.

It was from the Nameless that Heaven and Earth sprang,just in chaos.

The named is the mother that rears the ten thousand creatures, just in existential state.

Only he that rids himself forever of desire can see the secret essences.

He that has never rid himself of desire can see only the outcomes.

These two things issued from the same mould, but nevertheless are different in name.

This “same mould” we can call the mystery, or rather the “darker than any mystery”.

The doorway whence issued all secret essences.


1)What is the WAY?

The WAY is the run rules of cosmos. In old ages, the humans can’t understand this rules, so they consider these material reality from the rules as GOD guide.

2) Why we can’t use words to express the WAY well, only can feel it’s existence?

Ambiguous point A: Once you want to express some concept, your brain must pick up a word from the vocabulary by comparison

Ambiguous point B: The listener must have different understanding on the same words.

Hence, it is a very low efficiency spreading way that from thinking how to express to thinking how to understand.

3) How to find the WAY?

a. Practicable terms: put your mind in clearing up state, similar as meditation or live in a desireless mind.

b. Scientific terms: clean your consciousness, evacuate yourself, feel all messages from your subconsciousness.(all ones have integrity, just subconsciousness in common)In this cleaning process, you can also agree your consciousness with subconsciousness.

4) What’s the key of the perception?

You should switch named state to nameless state smoothly. Such as your thinking/belief system can switch from all reality to all unreality over and over again,then you can get these difference, just draw up the track of the WAY. As the saying goes: At the beginning, in practitioners eyes the mountain is not mountain, the river is not river. In the late, the mountain is still mountain, the river is still river. But the meaning of the scenery is deeper. What you need to do is you want to see the mountain, then it is the mountain, you don’t want to see the mountain, then it is not, even you look at the mountain.

5) The conclusion of the WAY.

After observation of the WAY, you can get the conclusion that all creation is nihility. Because all things come from your thought just the wave vibration. Throughout human history, the publics play with the concept of collective thinking. Each one thinking is different vibrating wave. When one concept or acknowledge is admitted by the mass just make wave resonant, then this acknowledge can assemble high power which enough to produce creatures. In short, acknowledge-power-creatures.

6) The principle of the great man

The reason make the great man is that they infuse their theory to the others, make others like or agree just resonate their point. This make giant collective power. That is why from the beginning to now, the ancient acknowledge always assemble higher power. Because these acknowledge have more time to collect more human’s thinking wave. Energy aggregation is divided into positive energy such as concept kindness, Buddha,happiness and negative energy such as greed, selfishness, hell. The positive energy aggregation is make up of high frequency of vibration, oppositely the negative energy aggregation is make up of low frequency vibration. When the human are educated collective acknowledge, they usually link the high frequency with happy、peace feeling. And link the low frequency with fear 、upset feeling. However, these anti-social people are not brain washed by collective link path. They hypnotize themselves by their strong self awareness. They consider high frequency feeling as evil. So they have anti sociality behavior. Actually, only these people use their ability in right way , they all will be great man.

7) How to take advantage of the WAY?

Firstly, you must accept all existent acknowledge, they are all collective energy. Then link your favorite acknowledge with your positive feeling,just changing mind. For example, I step on shit, most of people will feel disgusting, this matter is linked negative energy. Then you should link the shit with high positive mood. You must tell yourself stepping on shit is an omen of good luck. This is like hypnosis. This world is gamed whom make the positive link mostly.

Therefore, some mental books tell us to learn being thankful, to praise, to love all, to forgive all are all this principle. When you are hopeful to face with negative concept, then this low frequency energy will not hurt you anymore. That is the key to follow the WAY to live well.

8) How is the MONEY role play in the WAY

Money is also a product by collective awareness admit. Up to now, the public is not agree the point that money belong to good concept or bad concept. Definitely, you who know the WAY reality will be link money with high frequency thing. Because if you not, you earn money must be a hard even pain course. So you must choose link money with happy feeling. For example, you can award yourself with spending money, and think earn more money prove yourself more excellent. Then each touch money chance will be full of happiness, money will be your stair to the heaven, and cut the link money with scarcity feeling.

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