
小学英语单词汇总可打印 小学英语单词打卡四下B

人气:173 ℃/2024-12-28 17:58:38

#头条抄书打卡# 第114天


四年级下 Bb

basket 篮子,筐 A cat is sleeping in his basket. 一只猫正在他的篮子里睡觉。

boots 靴子 Put on your boots. 穿上你的靴子。

bumper car 碰碰车 I like to go on the bumper cars. 我想玩碰碰车。

bed time 就寝时间 I usually read story books before bed time. 睡觉前我通常读故事书。

breakfast 早饭 I am eating my breakfast. 我正在吃早饭。

brush one's teeth 刷牙 This is the way I brush my teeth. 我是这样刷牙的。

bored 无聊的,无趣的 The boy was bored. 这个男孩很无聊。


beautiful 美丽的 Oh,your school is beautiful. 噢,你们学校真漂亮。

broken 破的,坏的 My watch is broken. 我的手表坏了。

because 因为 I like the cat because it's very cute. 我喜欢这只猫因为它非常可爱。

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