What Do Hedgehogs Eat?
hedgehog:英 [ˈhedʒhɒɡ] 美 [ˈhedʒhɔːɡ] a small brown European animal with stiff parts like needles (called spines ) covering its back. Hedgehogs are nocturnal (= active mostly at night) and can roll into a ball to defend themselves when they are attacked. 刺猬(小型棕色动物,背后有刺,昼伏夜出,受到攻击时会滚成球形自卫)
1)Pet hedgehogs are unique in both their appearance and their care as a small pet. Being insectivores, hedgehogs need nutrients that may not be found in many other pet foods. Historically, cat food was often used to feed these spiky pocket pets, but there are also quality hedgehog foods that provide ideal nutritional components for a hedgehog to eat. By knowing what a hedgehog should be eating you can make better food decisions for your pet.
insectivore: [ɪnˈsektɪvɔː(r)] any animal that eats insects 食虫动物
carnivore:[ˈkɑːnɪvɔː(r)] any animal that eats meat 食肉动物
herbivore:英 [ˈhɜːbɪvɔː(r)] 美 [ˈɜːrbɪvɔːr] any animal that eats only plants
omnivore:英 [ˈɒmnɪvɔː(r)] 美 [ˈɑːmnɪvɔːr] an animal or a person that eats all types of food, especially both plants and meat 杂食动物;杂食的人
vegetarian:英 [ˌvedʒəˈteəriən] 美 [ˌvedʒəˈteriən] a person who does not eat meat or fish 素食者;吃素的人
General Pet Hedgehog Food Guidelines 宠物刺猬食物指南
2)Hedgehogs are considered either omnivores or insectivores, depending on the source referenced. If you look at the actual diet of a hedgehog you'll see that the omnivore description is probably a more accurate one since hedgehogs in the wild will eat a variety of foods, not just insects. Different species of hedgehogs will have slightly varied diets depending on the part of the world they are from, but most pet hedgehogs are African Pygmy hedgehogs so being a hybrid, their diet isn't exactly the same as a wild hedgehog.
刺猬常被认为要么是杂食动物要么是食虫动物,这取决于引用的信息来源。 如果你看过刺猬吃的食物,你会明白:杂食动物的描述可能更为贴切,因为野生刺猬吃多种多样的食物,而不仅仅是昆虫。不同物种的刺猬的食物也有稍许不同,这跟它们生活的地域有关。 但是大多数的宠物刺猬是非洲侏儒刺猬,它是一种杂种动物,它们的饮食与野生刺猬不完全一样。
African Pygmy hedgehog:英 [ˈæfrɪkən ˈpɪɡmi ˈhedʒhɒɡ] 美 [ˈæfrɪkən ˈpɪɡmi ˈhedʒhɔːɡ] 非洲侏儒刺猬
hybrid:英 [ˈhaɪbrɪd] an animal or plant that has parents of different species or varieties 杂种动物;杂交植物;杂种
eg.: A mule is a hybrid of a male donkey and a female horse.
3)Hedgehogs have the unique ability to digest chitin from insects. Chitin is found in the hard exoskeleton of insects and is primarily a protein source but also provides some fiber. Chitin is a necessary component to a hedgehog's diet but it isn't the only thing a hedgehog needs from its food, so various items should be fed in addition to insects.
chitin n. a tough semitransparent horny substance甲壳质;壳多糖;几丁质(一种硬的半透明的角质)
- 甲壳质(C8H13O5N)n,又称甲壳素、几丁质,英文名Chitin。1811年法国学者布拉克诺(Braconno)发现,1823年由欧吉尔(Odier)从甲壳动物外壳中提取。
- 淡米黄色至白色,溶于浓盐酸/磷酸/硫酸/乙酸,不溶于碱及其它有机溶剂,也不溶于水。甲壳质的脱乙酰基衍生物(Chitosan derivatives)壳聚糖(chitosan)不溶于水,可溶于部分稀酸。
- 甲壳素应用范围很广泛,在工业上可做布料、衣物、染料、纸张和水处理等。在农业上可做杀虫剂、植物抗病毒剂。渔业上做养鱼饲料。化妆品美容剂、毛发保护、保湿剂等。医疗用品上可做隐形眼镜、人工皮肤、缝合线、人工透析膜和人工血管等。——百度百科
9-1: Mealworms - Live or freeze-dried mealworms are a good source of chitin for hedgehogs. Live worms also provide a good source of mental stimulation since they move around and make a hedgehog have to work a little harder to catch its food.
黄粉虫——— 活的或是冷冻干燥保存的黄粉虫对刺猬来说是一个很好的甲壳质的来源。活的黄粉虫还能给刺猬来一场脑力激荡,因为它们到处跑,让刺猬不得不辛苦一点才能捉到食物。
mealworm: 英 [ˈmiːlwɜːm] 美 [ˈmiːlwɜːrm] n.the larva of beetles of the family Tenebrionidae 大黄粉虫幼体(用作宠物鸟食)
Freeze-dried food has been preserved by a process of rapid freezing and drying. (食物)冷冻干燥保存的
9-2: Waxworms - Live waxworms are higher in fat but lower in chitin content than mealworms so these should be saved as treats for hedgehogs.
9-3: Crickets - Also available live or freeze-dried, crickets provide chitin as well as mental stimulation for a hedgehog. As with other insects, gut-loading should be done prior to feeding crickets to your hedgehog to ensure they are loaded with nutrition.
9-4: Fruits - Dried fruit should be avoided, but a small amount of fresh fruit can be offered to your hedgehog as treats. Apples, bananas, berries, and melons are popular choices among hedgehogs.
9-5: Vegetables - Fresh tomatoes, fresh green beans, and cooked squash are some options that your hedgehog may enjoy. Starchy vegetables, such as corn, potatoes, and carrots should be avoided as well as dried vegetables.
squash:[skwɒʃ] a type of vegetable that grows on the ground. Winter squash have hard skin and orange flesh. Summer squash have soft yellow or green skin and white flesh.南瓜小果(主要种类为笋瓜winter squash和西葫芦summer squash) ——地面上生长的蔬菜,冬天的squash有坚硬的外皮和桔黄色的果肉;夏天的squash有软的黄色或绿色外皮、白色果肉。
starchy vegetables:英 [ˈstɑːtʃi ˈvɛdʒtəb(ə)lz] 美 [ˈstɑːrtʃi ˈvɛdʒtəbəlz] 淀粉质蔬菜
9-6:Cooked meat - High protein, low fat canned dog or cat food as well as cooked chicken can be offered in small amounts to a pet hedgehog.
9-7: Cooked eggs - An occasional bit of scrambled or hard boiled egg is a nice treat that's packed with protein for a hedgehog.
scrambled:If you scramble eggs, you break them, mix them together and then heat and stir the mixture in a pan.炒(蛋)
9-8: Pinky mice - If you aren't grossed out by your hedgehog eating a baby mouse, you can offer the occasional pre-killed pinky mouse as a treat.
9-9: Hedgehog or cat kibble - This should be the bulk of your hedgehog's diet. A high quality cat or hedgehog kibble should contain at least 30 percent protein and less than 20 percent fat. Hedgehog food is the ideal diet if it meets these nutritional requirements, but few formulated diets are available that don't include things like raisins and seeds, which are not recommended to feed.
kibble:coarsely ground grain in the form of pellets (as for pet food)
bulk: the ~ (of sth) the main part of sth; most of sth 主体;大部分
raisin: [ˈreɪzn] a dried grape , used in cakes, etc. 葡萄干
How Much and When to Feed Your Hedgehog
应该给你的刺猬喂多少吃的?什么时候喂?4)Hedgehogs are prone to obesity, so it is of utmost importance to monitor how much you are feeding it. The hedgehog or cat kibble should make up the majority of the daily diet, and even though a hedgehog is very active at night and burns a lot of energy, you'll want to control how much kibble it gets.
kibble:coarsely ground grain in the form of pellets (as for pet food)
5)Each day, one to two tablespoons of kibble should be offered to an adult hedgehog in addition to a teaspoon of fruits and vegetables and some insects. Larger and very active hedgehogs may need more food, but your hedgehog's weight should be monitored with the use of a baby scale. If there is more than a 10 percent weight gain you should cut back on how much food is offered.
tablespoon :[ˈteɪblspuːn] a large spoon, used especially for serving food
6)A hedgehog may eat more at night when it is most active and running on its wheel, so don't worry if you don't see it eating much during the day. Any uneaten food should be disposed of the next day to avoid spoilage and fresh water should always be available.
spoilage: [ˈspɔɪlɪdʒ] the decay of food which means that it can no longer be used(食物的)变质,腐败