What is it like to dream?
The world in the dream is strange, as if it were another parallel universe. In this universe, everything is wonderful and fascinating. So, do dogs dream? Do they have dreams, too?
Dogs, like humans, experience two main stages of sleep: non-rem sleep and rem sleep.
During non-rem sleep, the dog's brain waves slow down in frequency and increase in amplitude, making it easier to wake up.
In contrast, during rem sleep, the dog's brainwave frequency increases and amplitude decreases, similar to that of waking dogs.
At this point, the dog may move its legs like a runner, bark excitedly, breathe rapidly, and sometimes even hold its breath.
But, you know what? Recently, experts abroad have tried to explain what dogs dream when they dream through their own research.
从事这项研究的哈佛医学院Deirdre Barrett教授向《人物》杂志的记者表示,狗狗在做梦的时候梦到的其实是它们的主人。
Professor Deirdre Barrett of harvard medical school, who conducted the research, told people that dogs dream about their owners.
The professor said the dogs were dreaming about their owners' faces, smells, happy times and little thoughts.
Such a short sentence has been retweeted more than 60,000 times. This point of view, many dog owners can not help but tears.
Especially when they see their little furry balls sleeping. Can not help but think: dear little baby, I wonder what you dream again?
This news report, also let more dog owners do not know what to do, the original, this little guy is so warm.
As dog walkers know, dog owners have been known to cry over their dog's silly sleeping behavior.
Even when they are winking and kicking their legs, they used to make fun of this silly dog: it is not honest to sleep.
That is, until a netizen posted the comment and moved expression on the Internet, accompanied by the sweet sleeping face of a dog, causing many netizens to cry.
Everyone in the heart silently feel sorry for this little guy.
As long as the owner of the good experience, will stay in the little guy's mind, when you go out to work and party, and it alone at home by sleeping to kill time, in fact, it is in a special way, and you meet!
Such a dog, you will not love it more?
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