
黑布林英语阅读高一原文 黑布林英语阅读初一巴斯克维尔的猎犬中英导读

人气:301 ℃/2025-02-06 18:29:56

译者:Miss Sun

About the Author关于作者(第6页)

Arthur Conan Doyle is the inventor of Sherlock Holmes, the world's most famous fictional detective. Lots of people think Sherlock Holmes is a real person and write to 221B Bake Street, London, his address in Conan Doyle's stories! 亚瑟·柯南·道尔是世界上最著名的虚构侦探福尔摩斯的发明者。许多人认为夏洛克·福尔摩斯是一个真实的人,并写信给伦敦贝克街 221B,柯南·道尔小说中的地址!

Doyle is born in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1859. He works as a doctor until 1891 but he has a passion for writing stories. In 1891 he decides to become a full-time writer. His first story is a novel called A study in Scarlet. He then writes a series of short stories called The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, which are published in instalments by The Strand Magazine. The public love them, and want to read more about Sherlock Holmes and his faithful friend, Dr Watson. Conan Doyle writes 56 Sherlock Holmes stories in total. One of the most famous and popular is The Hound of the Baskervilles. 道尔于1859年出生于苏格兰爱丁堡。他的职业是一名医生,直到1891年,但他有写故事的激情。1891 年,他决定成为一名全职作家。他的第一个故事是一部名为《血字的研究》的小说。之后,他写了一系列名为《歇洛克·福尔摩斯历险记》的短篇小说,由《海滨杂志》分期出版。公众喜欢它们,想读更多有关福尔摩斯和他忠实的朋友华生医生的故事。柯南·道尔总共写了56个福尔摩斯故事。其中最著名和最受欢迎的是《巴斯克维尔的猎犬》。

Eventually Conan Doyle becomes tired of writing about the detective and he decides to “kill”his creation. In The Final Problem Holmes is murdered by his most dangerous enemy Professor Moriarty. Conan Doyle’s readers are so angry that in the end he decides to bring Holmes back to life in The Empty House. 最后,柯南·道尔厌倦了写关于这个侦探,他决定“杀死”他的这个创造。在《最后的问题》中,福尔摩斯被他最危险的敌人莫里亚蒂教授谋杀了。柯南·道尔的读者非常愤怒,最后他决定在《空屋》中让福尔摩斯复活。

Conan Doyle dies in 1930. Sherlock Holmes's fictional house in Baker Street is now a museum.柯南·道尔死于1930年,福尔摩斯在贝克街的虚构住宅现在是博物馆。

About the Book关于这本书

The Hound of the Baskervilles is the most famous of all the Sherlock Holmes stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. It first appeared in monthly instalments in The Strand Magazine, a London magazine in March 1901. There are many film and TV versions of the story and it is even a rock opera.《巴斯克维尔的猎犬》是亚瑟·柯南·道尔爵士所写的所有歇洛克·福尔摩斯故事中最著名的一部。它最初以每月分期付款的形式出现在1901年3月的伦敦杂志《海滨杂志》上。这个故事有很多电影和电视版本,它甚至是一部摇滚歌剧。

Holmes's friend Dr Watson tells the story. Dr Mortimer, a country doctor from Devon, visits Holmes and Watson in London.He reads them a paper about the legend of the Baskervilles. It tells of a huge black hound or giant dog that haunts the Baskerville family. Family members always die sudden and mysterious deaths. Dr Mortimer thinks the hound murdered Sir Charles Baskerville, his neighbour. He is worried about Sir Henry Baskerville who is arriving from America to inherit Sir Charles’s fortune. While Si Henry is in London he receives a letter warning him to 'Keep away from the moor’. Holmes and Watson also see a mysterious man following Sir Henry. 福尔摩斯的朋友华生医生讲述了这个故事。来自德文郡的乡村医生莫蒂梅拉来到伦敦拜访福尔摩斯和华生。他给他们读了一份关于巴斯克维尔家族传说的报纸。它讲述了一只巨大的黑色猎犬或巨狗经常出没于巴斯克维尔家族。家族成员总是突然神秘地死去。摩梯末医生认为是那只猎犬谋杀了他的邻居查尔斯·巴斯克维尔爵士,他为亨利·巴斯克维尔爵士感到担忧,因为他正从美洲赶来继承查尔斯爵士的财产。当亨利爵士在伦敦时,他收到一封信,警告他“远离荒原”。福尔摩斯和华生还看到一个神秘的人跟着亨利爵士。

Watson agrees to travel to Devon with Sir Henry and Dr Mortimer. As the story develops he reports many strange happenings back to Holmes: an escaped prisoner a mysterious light on the moor at night, strange sounds, like a dog barking. In the final chapters of the book the hound appears and Holmes discovers the murderer at last. 华生同意与亨利爵士和摩梯末医生一同前往德文郡。随着故事的发展,他向福尔摩斯报告了许多奇怪的事情:一个越狱的囚犯晚上在荒原上发出神秘的光,像狗吠的奇怪声音。在书的最后几章,猎犬出现了,福尔摩斯终于找到了凶手。

The Hound of the Baskervilles is translated into many languages and Sherlock Holmes is certainly one of the world’s most popular detectives.《巴斯克维尔的猎犬》被译成多种语言,而歇洛克·福尔摩斯无疑是世界上最受欢迎的侦探之一。来源:伴你学英语公众号(ID:gh_5c9592fefed1)


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