

人气:324 ℃/2024-04-25 20:39:24


今天我们请到美国咨询顾问Jessica Lu来为大家点评《纽约时报》发布的2019最佳文书。

Jessica Lu




1、Plumber 水管工

学生Kelley Schlise,家住威斯康辛州,今年秋季入读威斯康辛麦迪逊大学University of Wisconsin-Madison。

‘Life is a process of accepting the messes and learning to clean them up.’




精选片段 Chosen Section

I constantly leap over tangled piles of wrenches and extension cords. My mouth and nose are covered by a dust mask; my jeans are smudged with pipe dope, and my hands are blackened with the grime of a hard day’s work. As I observe the chaos around me, chaos rises within me. Nothing is beautiful or tidy; everything I see is ugly. I feel powerless, frustrated and unable to think clearly.




专家点评 From the Expert

This paragraph most clearly describes the difficulty of the student’s plumbing job, both in terms of physical challenges and the emotions she must control. We learn here about the personal strength and persistence that is necessary for 5 summers of working like this, which is something that admissions officers will really value.


Furthermore, as she does throughout the essay, Kelley establishes a comparison between her job and her life in general – sometimes it is hard to see anything positive and nothing seems to make sense in the world. However, it is her job to continue creating order and making something beautiful out of the ugly.

此外,比较贯穿了整篇文章,学生把自己的工作和生活与同龄人作了一个比较- 有时根本看不到任何正能量的东西,感觉什么事情都是没有意义的。但是,在Kelley心中,她明白不断地创造秩序并从丑陋中创造出美好的东西就是她的工作。

2、Kitchen 厨房

学生Victoria Oswald,家在宾夕法尼亚州,今年秋季入读哈佛大学Harvard University。

‘The first thing my Pap said was “Give her a hug, you can’t hurt her now.” ’




精选片段 Chosen section

I don’t care that my new life revolves around a holey old couch, a grumpy old man, a couple of fat cats and a bearded dragon. I’m content with my Pap, and I’m content with the fact that every night at 7 p.m., two empty chairs surround my old, dirty, warm-brown dinner table in the darkness of my kitchen. These days, the lights are on in the living room.



专家点评 From the Expert

The conclusion effectively finishes with the metaphor that has repeated throughout the entire essay – the student’s kitchen table representing her center, her identity, and her family. No matter how many chairs are taken away and how dirty or broken it gets, it is always there and always the place she returns to.


In this paragraph, she shows her gratitude in what she has, even though it’s not very much. Her last sentence also demonstrates that she sees that things will be getting better, ending on a hopeful note that inspires the reader.


3、Library 图书馆

Astrid Liden家在明尼苏达州,今年秋季入读哥伦比亚大学Columbia University。

‘When we had nowhere to live, we would spend hours at the library, using what I thought to be the key to the world: library computers.’





精选片段 Chosen section

Sitting behind the service desk today, I see and hear it all: the little girl begging to check out Junie B. Jones, the boys playing Roblox on the computer, the woman filing her taxes, the call from “Sports Guy” asking for the latest results, the woman asking about the weather.

今天坐在服务台后面,我看到并听到很多事:小女孩乞求借出Junie B. Jones,男孩们在电脑上玩Roblox,有个女人在填写税务申报表,喜欢体育的小哥打电话询问最新结果,还有个女人在询问天气。

Hopkins Library

专家点评 From the Expert

The essay has two important transitions: the first is when the student’s mother started going to the library with her, Marking her mother’s unemployment, and the second is when the student transitions from a library patron to a worker behind the desk.


This paragraph shows the second, and is an effective and interesting switch to talk about the student’s current priorities, which is to do work that is meaningful to her and help others who could be in similar situations to her own.


4、Washing Dishes洗盘子

Mark Garcia家住洛杉矶,今年秋季入读西洛杉矶学院West Los Angeles College。



精选片段 Chosen section

“No more broken plates, you understand?”

I could make little sense of the broken English that spat from his mouth but his scrunched-up face spoke a universal language. It was a Friday night in Little Tokyo, and while families were eating five-star meals in the front dining room, a 14-year-old boy was in the back washing their dishes.




专家点评 From the Expert

This is a very strong beginning to the essay, in which the student tells us a vivid memory. He describes characters and setting just as in a story, and begins with a line that immediately catches our attention.


His use of descriptions such as “spat from his mouth” and “scrunched-up face” effectively conveys the supervisor’s anger and makes us feel empathy. His observation that families were eating expensive meals while a teenager was cleaning their dishes is also a deeper comment on socioeconomic inequality.


5、Garbage trucks 垃圾车

Andy Patriquin家在圣地亚哥,今年秋季入读雷德兰兹大学University of Redlands。




精选片段 Chosen section

The trash itself was a lens through which I saw what was going on in Chatham. I saw American flags and spent fireworks on the 5th of July. The worst stops of the day were the dumpsters at fish piers, which had a stronger stench than the Chatham Transfer Station, an industrial building where we dumped the day’s load before it was transported to a landfill miles away. At one boat fabrication shop, a dangerous combination of sawdust and reactive chemicals caused a small fire in the truck.




专家点评 From the Expert

It is already very interesting that a student would voluntarily choose to be a garbage collector, especially on a day after a national holiday. But what he learns through this experience makes the essay even more unique – unlike the usual summer vacations, he learns about a new place and potential environmental damage through sorting other people’s trash.

一个学生自发地去做垃圾收集者已经非常有趣了,而且还是在国庆节的第二天。Andy从这次经历中学到的东西令他这篇文章更加独特 - 与我们通常认为的暑假不同,他通过分类别人的垃圾来了解新的地方和潜在的环境破坏。

In the essay, the student realizes that he is lucky to not need to be a permanent garbage collector, but he believes he can learn a lot from this experience nevertheless.


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