

人气:255 ℃/2024-09-05 23:25:39

无论是否爱看音乐剧,想必大多数人都听过著名百老汇音乐剧《猫》里的那首经典的《记忆》(Memory)。去年,根据安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯(Andrew Lloyd-Webber)的这部音乐剧改编的电影正式定档2019年12月20日。不过,当地时间周四发布的首支电影预告片,却吓坏了一众网友。


Andrew Lloyd Webber - 猫 音乐剧 [精编版]

由环球影业出品的真人版电影《猫》,集结了全明星阵容,包括执导过《国王的演讲》《悲惨世界》《丹麦女孩》的知名导演汤姆·霍伯(Tom Hooper),以及包括“霉霉”泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)、伊恩·麦克莱恩(Ian McKelle)、詹妮弗·哈德森(Jennifer Hudson)等在内的豪华演员阵容。尤其是霉霉的参演,让粉丝们很是期待。




In a teaser clip released earlier this week, director Tom Hooper lauded the movie's use of "digital fur technology" to create "the most perfect covering of fur." 在本周早些时候发布的一段预告片中,导演汤姆·霍珀称赞这部电影使用了“数字毛皮技术”,创造了“最完美的毛皮”。When the cats were revealed, however -- an uncanny amalgamation of the actors' human faces and a feline-adjacent body -- social media users were less than convinced.然而,当这些猫被曝光时,社交媒体用户却对演员的人脸和猫科动物的身体这种奇怪的结合,感到无法接受。

▲ The 'Cats' trailer is here and it's horrifying the internet (via CNN)

I don't know what I expected from CATS' "digital fur technology" but the short answer is NOT this. My brain has melted. My eyes are bleeding. There is no god.我不知道我对《猫》的“数字皮毛技术”有什么期待,但简单的答案一定不是这个。我的大脑已经化了。我的眼睛在流血。没有上帝这一说。


Some were perplexed by the specifics of the cats' anatomy: why the human/cat hybrids had breasts, for instance, or where exactly their tails protruded from.有些人对猫的解剖结构的细节感到困惑:例如,为什么人类和猫的杂交体会有乳房,或者,它们的尾巴究竟从哪里伸出来的。

▲ The 'Cats' trailer is here and it's horrifying the internet (via CNN)

It has been one full hour since I saw the CATS (2019) trailer and this is the image that will haunt me.自从我看到《猫》(2019)的预告片已经整整过去一个小时了,这张照片将会一直萦绕在我的脑海中。


Weirdest bits of the cats trailer: 《猫》预告片中最诡异的部分:- face:head ratio is totally off. all the cats have faces too big for their heads. how did no one spot this 脸和头的比例完全不协调。所有猫的脸相对于他们的头来说,都太大了。怎么没人发现呢。- they wanted to give girl cats sexy boobs AND keep it PG so have given them nipple-less hairy mounds?? -他们想给女性猫性感的胸部,且要保持內容不要有不宜孩童的部分,所以给猫设计了没有乳头而尽是一堆毛??- clothes or skin? no one knows-(这些猫穿了)衣服还是皮肤?没有人知道


The trailer raised another perturbing question: In a world where cats have human faces and loosely human physiques, where do actual humans, owners of the colossal beds and sofas and chandeliers the cats play on, fit in?预告片还提出了另一个令人不安的问题:在一个猫有人类面孔和大致的人类体格的世界里,猫所玩的巨大床、沙发和吊灯的主人、真正的人类在哪里?

▲ The 'Cats' trailer is here and it's horrifying the internet (via CNN)


I don't know why you're all freaking out over miniature yet huge cats with human celebrity faces and sexy breasts performing a demented dream ballet for kids.我不知道你们为什么会这么害怕这些长着人类明星脸和性感胸部的微型又巨大的猫,他们为孩子们表演疯狂的梦幻芭蕾。


I'm spending far too much time wondering why I feel so creeped out by these furry naked celebs on film being cats when I wasn't at all creeped out by Broadway leotard-naked performers why is this我花了长时间思考,我为什么会被这些毛茸茸、浑身光溜溜的扮成猫的明星们吓成这样,而当年我完全没有被百老汇穿着看似裸体的连体衣演员吓到。

(图 via Universal)


Hollywood CGI blockbuster Avatar was widely mocked at first and went on to become one of the biggest-selling box office smashes of all time, while The Greatest Showman suffered similar ridicule before becoming a music film sensation as well.好莱坞CGI大片《阿凡达》一开始受到了普遍的嘲笑,后来成为有史以来最卖座的电影之一,而这位《马戏之王》在成为音乐电影爆款之前也遭受了类似的嘲笑。The Huff Post declared: "The Cats trailer looks absolutely ridiculous, And people can't get enough of it."《赫芬顿邮报》称:“《猫》的预告片看起来绝对荒谬可笑,人们看它再多遍也不为过。”Other critics, including Erick Weber, think Hooper's production will ultimately pursuade people to change their minds. 包括埃里克·韦伯在内的其他评论家认为,霍珀的作品最终会说服人们改变主意。Scott Mendleson from Forbes is also looking forward to seeing the full feature play out, he beamed: "The first trailer for #CatsMovie is appropriately terrifying and insane, like a drug-induced nightmare made real. I can't wait!"《福布斯》的斯科特·门德尔松也很期待看到这部电影的完整版,他笑着说:“《猫》电影的第一个预告片相当恐怖和疯狂,就像一场由毒品引起的噩梦变成了现实。我等不及了!”

▲ Claws out for Cats movie trailer (via BBC)


整合:Du Qiongfang

资料:CNN, Twitter,BBC

图/题图:Universal, YouTube

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