

人气:407 ℃/2024-03-18 07:46:26


1.night owl

a person who enjoys staying up late at night

“night owl”最早之前指的是一种动物“猫头鹰”,而猫头鹰是一种夜行动物,所以现在这个词更多的是用来形容夜晚不睡觉的现代人,即“夜猫子”。

[例]:Sally always stays up late, she is a night owl.

2.Early bird gets the worm.

如果你的朋友是“night owl”(夜猫子)的话,你可以和他说“Early bird gets the worm”,意思是早起的鸟儿有虫吃。

[例]:I wanna buy tickets for Jay Chou’s concert, so tomorrow I'm getting up early, because the early bird gets the worm.

3.wild goose chase

a search for sth that is impossible for you to find or that does not exist, that makes you waste a lot of time

要想追上一只野生乱跑的鹅,你需要花很长的时间,而且大概率是追不上的,用英语来表达这种无用功的事就是“wild goose chase”。

[例]:You wasted all day on a wild goose chase.

4.goose bumps

If you get goose bumps, the hairs on your skin stand up so that it is covered with tiny bumps.

当我们着凉或是惊吓,激动时,可能会产生一种正常的生理反应——起鸡皮疙瘩。“鸡皮疙瘩”用英语说就是“goose bumps”,有意思的是外国人不是说“鸡皮”,而是“鹅皮疙瘩”。

[例]:Wow,it’s really cold, I have goose bumps.

5.Kill two birds with one stone

“kill two birds with one stone”这个俚语的直译是:一个石头杀掉了两只鸟。正好契合中文的“一石二鸟,一箭双雕”,比喻一个举动同时达到了两个目的。

[例]:When I go to Australia, I want to go the beach and see my family, so I would meet my family at the beach.


to peacock oneself


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