

人气:336 ℃/2024-01-17 02:14:13




diaper / nappy尿不湿

  • 英式英文中,尿不湿是nappy,也就是说在英国,澳洲,你可能会听到更多的是nappy,但在美国,人们更多的是说diaper。



pee-pee /wee-wee小便

poo-poo / 大便

poop 大便

underwear /undies 内裤


  • Do you need to go potty? /go to the toilet? / go to the bathroom?你要去厕所吗?
  • Do you need to pee?你要小便吗
  • Do you want to pee-pee?你要小便吗
  • Do you want to go pee-pee?你要小便吗?
  • Do you need to go potty /pee-pee before we leave? 出门前你可以去厕所吗?
  • Go potty before we leave.出发前先去小便器
  • Let’s hurry to the potty 快点去小便器


  • Can you hold it? 你可以忍一下下吗
  • I will find a bathroom/toilet for you.我去找厕所
  • Don’t hold your pee. 不要憋尿


  • Now take off /pull down your pants.现在把裤子脱下来
  • Then pull down your undies.
  • I will help you take off your pants.我会帮你把裤子脱下来
  • Let me help you.
  • Sit on the potty. 坐在小马桶上
  • Now you can go pee pee /poo poo in the potty 可以尿尿/臭臭了
  • You are peeing in the potty 你在尿尿呢
  • You pooped/peed in the potty 你在小马桶里便便/尿尿了
  • Just wait a little longer 再等一下
  • It will come out 会出来的
  • Keep going 加油
  • You have got more? / got more?还有吗
  • Are you all done? / all done?结束了
  • Are you finished/ finished?
  • Let me help you wipe your bottom 让我帮你擦屁股
  • Pull up your undies/ pants 把裤子拉起来
  • Go wash your hands 去洗手
  • Get the soap 拿肥皂
  • Flush the toilet 冲马桶


  • Good job! 好棒
  • High five 击掌
  • You did it! 你做到了
  • You are a big boy /girl now你是个大孩子了


  • You had a little accident on the floor 有点小状况哦
  • Did you pee in your pants?你是不是尿裤子了?
  • Did you wet you pants?
  • It’s ok 没关系
  • You will do better next time 你下次会更好的
  • Let’s try next time我们下次再试一试


It’s diaper changing time! 换尿布时间

Mommy is going to change your diaper.妈妈要给你换尿布了

Oh, it’s very heavy. 好重哦

You peed a lot in your diaper, didn't you? 你在尿布里尿了好多,对不对?

You pooped in your diaper.你在尿布湿里便便了。

Lie down 躺下来

I am going to put you down. 我会把你放下来。

Let’s change you 我要给你换尿布了

I am going to take off your dirty diaper .我要帮你的脏尿不湿拿下来了

I am going to clean your bottom 我要擦你的小屁屁了哦

I am going to apply some cream on your bottom我要给你小屁屁涂上屁屁霜

I am going to put some power on your bottom.我要给你的小屁屁上撒上粉了



I am taking off your dirty diaper now. 我现在帮你把脏尿不湿脱下来

Mommy is applying some cream on your bottom. 妈妈在给你涂屁屁乐。

I am putting some powder on your bottom. 妈妈再给你的小屁屁撒上粉。

It’s cream time!涂屁屁乐的时间了

It’s powder time!涂粉粉的时间了

Feels good, right? 感觉不错吧

Let’s put on a new diaper for you.我们穿上新尿裤吧

All done!结束了

You smell great! 你闻起来真香


推荐绘本《On My Potty》,非常适合低幼宝宝的如厕启蒙。



I have to go potty.我要拉臭臭了

I could go in my diaper.我可以拉在我的纸尿裤里

Should I go in my diaper?我真的要拉在我的纸尿裤里吗

I don’t want to!我不想!

What does kitty do?那小猫是怎么做的呢?



  • Hey little boy!嘿小男孩
  • Is that your kitty?那是你的猫咪吗
  • I think kitty needs to go potty.你的猫咪要去厕所
  • What does kitty do?猫咪做什么呢
  • Hey Kitty kitty where are you going? 猫咪你去哪里
  • Oh look 看
  • Kitty goes in her litter box猫咪在她的猫砂盆里上厕所呢
  • Oh good cat真棒
  • Should I go in the litter box 我可以在这猫猫的猫砂盆里尿尿和便便吗
  • No I don’t think so 我不这么认为
  • That’s kitty’s place.那是猫猫的地方
  • Ok kitty I will leave you alone好吧 猫咪我让你一个人呆着吧

What does doggy do?小狗狗是怎样做的呢?



  • Hey doggy 嘿狗狗
  • Why are you in a hurry你干嘛那么着急
  • I think your doggy needs to go potty你的狗狗也要上厕所了
  • I need to go potty我要去厕所
  • What does doggy do狗狗做什么呢
  • Hey doggy狗狗
  • Where are you going 你去哪里
  • Oh doggy is peeing under the tree狗狗在树下面尿尿
  • Good dog真棒
  • Should I go under the tree我可以在树下面上厕所吗
  • No I don’t think so我不这么认为
  • That’s doggy’s place 那是狗狗的地方

I really have to go!我真的必须去了!


  • Hey little boy嘿小男孩
  • The potty is the place小马桶是你需要的
  • Potty小马桶
  • Yes the potty is the place to go pee-pee and poo-poo是的 小马桶是你要尿尿和便便的地方
  • Should I go in my potty我要在我的小马桶里上厕所吗
  • Have a try试一试
  • I could try我可以试一试
  • Come 来
  • Sit on the potty 坐在小马桶上
  • It feels good感觉不错
  • Hey little boy you need to take off your nappy first嘿 小男孩 你要先把纸尿裤脱掉
  • Oh bye bye nappy 再见纸尿裤
  • Did you do anything 你有尿出来或者便出来吗
  • No not yet 没 还没
  • You just need to wait 你只需要等
  • But I am bored但是我好无聊
  • Hey little boy where are you嘿 小男孩 你在哪里
  • Look he is back with a book 看他回来了还带着一本书
  • He is reading a book about potty他在读一本关于小马桶的书
  • The book is on the floor书在地板上
  • Did you do anything你有尿出来或者便出来吗
  • Not yet还没
  • Oh He is standing up 他站起来了
  • Did you find anything in the potty你在小马桶里发现了什么吗
  • Nothing什么都没有
  • Be patient耐心
  • Just sit and wait坐下慢慢等
  • He is yawning他在打哈欠
  • Are you sleepy你困了吗
  • Yes I am 是的 我是
  • Doggy is here 狗狗在这里
  • Kitty is here 猫咪在这里
  • Hey little boy 嘿小男孩
  • You are not alone你不是一个人
  • You have your friends 你有你的朋友
  • He is sleeping他在睡觉
  • And doggie is sleeping too狗狗也在睡觉
  • Kitty is sleeping too猫咪也在睡觉
  • Look at this little boy看这个小男孩
  • He looks so surprised他看起来好吃惊的样子
  • What’s that那是什么
  • What’s that sound little boy 那是什么声音小男孩
  • Did you do anything 你做了什么
  • I did it 我做到了
  • I peed and pooped in my potty我在小马桶里尿尿和便便了
  • Twinkle twinkle little star一闪一闪小星星
  • Tinkle tinkle toot 叮叮嘟嘟
  • I did it I did it我做到了我做到了
  • I peed and I pooped in my potty我在小马桶里尿尿和便便了
  • Daddy is here 爸爸在这里
  • Mommy is here doggie is here and kitty is here 妈妈在这里狗狗在这里猫咪在这里
  • And they are all very excited 他们看起来都好激动
  • Hooray耶
  • I did it我做到了
  • But little boy is that toilet paper in your hand
  • 但是小男孩 你手上是卫生纸吗
  • Yes it is 是的
  • You need to clean your bottom after you go in the potty
  • 上完厕所后要擦屁股哦
  • I know 我知道
  • Why are you naked为什么你没有穿衣服
  • Where is your nappy你的纸尿裤在哪里
  • Nappy No nappy纸尿裤 不要纸尿裤
  • I need undies我需要小内裤
  • Undies小内裤
  • Wow There are so many undies here这里有好多内裤
  • Which pair is your favorite哪一条是你最喜欢的
  • We have got stripy ones我们有条纹的
  • We have got polka dots stars hearts and flowers 我们有点点的 星星的 心的 花朵的
  • Look I have found a lot of fish看 我找到了好多鱼
  • a rainbow a dog a monkey and a superman 还有彩虹 狗 猴子以及超人
  • And is that yours, little boy那是你的吗 小男孩
  • You found my favorite你找到我最欢的那一条了
  • When you’ve got to go 当你需要去厕所的时候
  • You’ve got to go 你需要去厕所
  • But where但是哪里呢




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