

人气:125 ℃/2023-12-13 15:02:47


Many dog owners get scared when they see their dog throw up. They usually want to go to the hospital immediately.


In fact, in many cases, vomiting is a protective reaction of the dog, we can first judge the physical health of the dog by the color of vomit.


Firstly: colorless transparent foam vomit


This is the dog's bronchial, esophageal mucus,there are four possibilities for this vomit:


1. Colorless and transparent foam mucus:


This situation may be a bronchial infection, usually accompanied by abnormal breathing, serious dog canthus will have a yellow-green purulent secretion.


2.Colorless foam mucus or with hair, foreign body residue:


This reason is esophagus has foreign body, it is colorless commonly, also be a bit yellow slightly sometimes, the color is more yellow it is to approach gastric ministry more namely.


3.Colorless foam mucus with blood:


This is caused by a scratch in the respiratory tract or esophagus caused by a foreign body, such as a hard bone. After cooking, the bone will be very hard, and debris will scratch the esophagus of a dog.If your dog is vomiting very frequently, or bleeding is serious, be sure to send a doctor.


The second kind: yellow vomit


The cloudy yellow liquid is the acid in the dog's stomach, while the dark green is the bile of the dog.


* yellow vomit are generally these three conditions:


1.Only yellow liquid or with very little food residue:


This is because of irregular and incorrect mealtime. For a dog to eat on an empty stomach for a long time, actively spitting out gastric acid is a kind of behavior to protect the stomach. It is the normal physiological function of canines.


2. Yellow liquid with a lot of food, the dog will soon eat up the food:


This is due to inadequate chewing,indigestion of food, Dog will spit out the food and eat again go back, as long as the dog eat go back, this is very normal also don't need to be nervous, if he spit out a lot of food, please don't immediately clean up vomit, observe whether the dog will eat its back, didn't eat it is next.


3.Yellow liquid with a lot of food, vomit after the malaise:


If the dog spit out the food, and did not eat back, but walked to the side lying on the side of the drooping, this situation needs to be tense up, to be very important, please send directly to the doctor to check to determine the cause!


Third: red vomit


Bright red, deep red, coffee or bloody yellow liquid, if the color of gastric juice is such a red color,and sure it is not the color of food, which indicates that the dog's stomach bleeding phenomenon, are relatively serious:


Attention! If vomit is this red color, it is very dangerous, there is no time to observe slowly, please go to see the doctor as soon as possible!!


This is acute stomach haemorrhage, bright red shows blood still is fresh, please see a doctor as soon as possible!


2. Deep red gastric juice:


Dark red indicates that the blood has been in the stomach for some time, or it may be dark due to heavy bleeding. This kind of circumstance may be acute also may be chronic,please see a doctor as soon as possible!


3. Brown gastric juice:这是慢性胃出血,咖啡色说明血液已在胃部停留了较长的时间,可能是胃溃疡、肝肾、胰腺问题等原因导致,请尽快送医!

This is chronic stomach haemorrhage, coffee shows blood already stayed in gastric ministry longer time, the reason such as problem of gastric ulcer, liver kidney, pancreas is caused possibly, please see a doctor as soon as possible!


Yellow gastric juice with blood:


This kind of circumstance may be food, foreign body cuts intestines and stomach to cause, also may be the symptom of 3 above, if very frequent or more and more serious, please see a doctor as soon as possible!


As a pet owner, to carefully remember the dog every time vomiting time and condition, if more than two within a month, take he to the hospital as soon as possible.


Don't feed the dog a lot of human eat foods to avoid scratch the esophagus, must choose the high quality dog food, you can choose to WoWoDogWalk platform app directly purchase.

搜索更多有关“狗狗呕吐物的几种情况:教你快速通过狗狗呕吐物的颜色判断它的健康状况”的信息 [百度搜索] [SoGou搜索] [头条搜索] [360搜索]
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