

人气:287 ℃/2024-09-29 15:06:50


“Sharing is caring!” We hear it all the time. It’s written on posters in school hallways. It’s spoken by your children’s favorite TV characters.

But what is sharing and why do we ask young children to do it?


Developmental Readiness for Sharing


Sharing teaches cooperation, collaboration, and teamwork. Sharing with friends and family can increase the unity and bond you feel with them. Many acts of kindness involve sharing — of time, money, or resources. Personally, sharing can make us happier and live longer.


Shouldn’t we be fostering sharing? Sure… and that’s exactly what you're doing, by waiting until your toddler is mentally and emotionally ready to see sharing as a caring gesture, and not as, “Aaah!! How could you take it away?!”


We don’t expect a six-month-old to walk as a 12-month-old can, or a one-year-old to “use your words” like a two-year-old can, and yet from the moment they begin grabbing another toddler’s board book we start telling them to share. We’re all fooled by toddlers’ speaking and toddling—and by their emphatic agendas!—into thinking that they’re farther along in their understanding of themselves in the world than they are. And a concept like sharing is simply beyond them during this phase.


Why is that? A few reasons:


Toddlers don’t yet know for sure that they are separate and individual people. They are testing this idea—building a sense of self—in large part by achieving a sense of ownership: “I own, therefore I am.” When they grab and hold on for dear life and need everything all for themselves, they’re not being selfish—they’re being scientists testing the hypothesis that they are individuals. The world is their laboratory, and “All Mine!” is one of the experiments they’re conducting.


The ability to share is a developmental milestone. Just like you wouldn’t expect a 3-month-old to walk or a 2-year-old to read, you can’t expect your child to share until they are developmentally ready to share. I know, I know… somewhere out there is a parent or teacher who is saying, but my child COULD read at 2 years old! However, just like any other milestone, there is an age range, but most children will not even begin to understand the concept of sharing until they are able to understand that others have a different point of view.


Consider the stages of children’s psychosocial development (psychosocial relates to one’s psychological development in, and interaction with, a social environment; in other words, how a child grows and relates to the society around him). Young children are naturally very egocentric. They have difficulty seeing anything outside their own point of view.


Egocentrism is very different than egotism. The egotist believes that she or he is superior to others. Egocentricity in young children is a developmental stage. They are egocentric not because they are selfish or self-centered, but because they are incapable of seeing things from another’s perspective.


Many researchers — for example, Piaget and Erikson — have shown this to be true. They have proven that during the ages of approximately 2 – 7 years old, children are slowly learning to understand that others have different thoughts, perspectives, and ideas than their own. During this period children will be resistant to parents and other caregivers asking them to share because they are only just beginning to understand the concept.

很多研究人员,如 Piaget 和 Erikson,都证明了这一点。他们证明,在大约2-7岁阶段,孩子们在慢慢学着理解其他人有与自己不同的想法、视角和观点。在这一阶段,对于要求自己必须分享的父母和其他看护人,他们是反抗的,因为他们只是才刚刚去理解这一概念。

To further complicate matters, they don’t yet understand that things can belong to other people, too, not just to them!

Then there’s the concept of time—toddlers don’t yet have one. Therefore, to them, giving anything up means giving it up for good. Even structured turn-taking (“one more minute, then it’s your turn”) can be a huge mindbender for someone with no sense of time. Sharing, which is even less defined in time, is virtually impossible.


And then we come to…. impulse control. To illustrate, behold the infamous Toddler’s Creed: “If I want it, it’s mine! If I used it yesterday, it’s mine! If I can take it away from you, it’s mine!” They want what they want when they want it—add another child, some toys, and an adult talking about “sharing,” and you’ve got a combustible situation in your toddler’s laboratory.



But, you may argue, my toddler happily gives me Cheerios, and hands over toys when we’re playing — isn’t that sharing? Umm, well, it’s part of that selfhood science experiment we mentioned above. When it happens, you can acknowledge the gesture, then maybe show appreciation by genuinely sharing it back, if your toddler hasn’t already re-claimed it… Toddler scientists will be practicing this social/emotional skill with great diligence over the next year or so, until brain development, socialization, and the desire for friends opens the way to genuine sharing.


But until they’re ready (around age three or so), trying to make sharing happen can actually backfire. Nobody likes having things taken away, especially when they can’t understand why. “Share” will become a bad word, the act of “sharing” something to avoid, and thus (as child development experts note) “selfishness” will last longer.


Is that to say that we shouldn’t ask our children to be giving with others? Should we not ask them to share their toys? No. Just like any other skill, sharing takes practice, time, and positive reinforcement. There are many things a parent can do to help their child learn to share.


What to do before toddlers understand sharing? Two things:


1. Label and validate the emotion of the moment. If somebody’s toy was taken, say: “You didn’t like it when JoJo took your toy away,” because it’s calming to feel understood. Then say, “Next time, hold on tight,” because it’s their right to hold onto what they need. To the grabber, suggest, “Next time, ask, ‘Can I use it?’” You may find yourself using these phrases a lot over time… Good! These simple interpersonal lessons take time to sink in.

1. 说出当时情绪的名称,并认可该情绪。如果一个人的玩具被夺走了,那么说:当JoJo把你的玩具拿走时,你不喜欢那样。因为当感到被理解时,是会让孩子冷静下来的。然后说“下次,握紧点”。因为守住他们所需要的东西,这是他们的权利。而对抢东西的孩子,则建议:下一次,先问‘我可以用一下吗’?逐渐,你可能会发现你在频繁使用这类语句。很好,孩子需要一定的时间才能慢慢理解这些简单的人际交往规则。

2. Model sharing for your toddler. Toddlers look to us to explain their world. Show that you enjoy sharing, and they’ll want to “get there,” too.

2. 以身作则。低龄幼童们通过我们来理解这个世界。向他们展示你爱分享,他们也会想要模仿你的。

Don’t worry, have patience—it really won’t be long before your toddler is able to understand that “sharing is caring.” Think “self-hood” rather than “self-ish,” model generosity, and let them hold on tight for now. They’ll be more willing to let go and share their stuff when they’re ready!


Tips for Teaching Sharing



Sharing is Not Just About Objects


Sharing is not just about sharing your physical belongings. It’s not just about those favorite blocks or doll. Sharing is also about sharing time, turns, and themselves. Young children are just beginning to learn to take turns, to wait until daddy finishes the dishes to read a book, or to share their time helping a grumpy friend feel better.


It’s very helpful for adults to model and encourage sharing of all kinds. So whether you are making soup to take to your sick neighbor or waiting in line at the grocery store, these are opportunities for you to teach your child about sharing in a natural way.



Teach the Language of Sharing


Early on, it’s important that your child hears the language of sharing. For example, I’ve worked with children in a multi-age environment. I had an infant and several toddlers, along with slightly older preschoolers together in my program. The infant’s needs often took precedence over many of the older children’s needs. When an infant needs to be fed or held or changed it’s obviously important to take care of those needs quickly.



Inevitably, the needs of the baby coincided with the toddlers’ and preschoolers’ needs. So, while I was feeding the baby, I would be talking to the other children, saying things like:


· “I know how frustrating it can be to wait, but right now it’s the baby’s turn. Soon it’ll be your turn.”

· “Can you help me with the baby by bringing me the wipes? Wow! What a good helper you are.”

· “Can you sing the baby a song while I’m changing her diaper? She’s not very happy right now.”

  • 我知道等着是挺难过的。但现在轮到照顾宝宝了,很快就轮到照顾你了。
  • 你能帮我个忙,帮宝宝把湿巾纸拿过来吗?哇,你真是个好帮手呢!
  • 我给宝宝换尿片时,你能给宝宝唱首歌吗?她现在不是很开心。

Give the children words for their feelings, frustrations, and actions. Praising their ability to share (whether it be sharing their time, their feelings, their toys, etc.) gives them the confidence to try it again.


I also made it a point to talk out loud to the baby when it wasn’t her turn. For example, when I was in the middle of serving lunch to 5 hungry kids and the baby became fussy and cried, I would say, “just a minute, baby! Right now it’s the kids’ turn, but next it’ll be your turn,” or “hold on, baby, I just need to serve everyone their lunch and then it’ll be your turn.” This wasn’t really for the baby’s sake; it provided the older children with the language of taking turns. It allowed them to internalize the fact that they were all taking turns and sharing.



Play Cooperative Games


Playing cooperative games with your child is a great way to reinforce the concept of sharing in a fun, relaxed environment. Taking turns while playing a board game or putting together a puzzle can give children practice sharing with others. Even informal games you play with your toddler or preschooler like rolling a ball back and forth across the room or taking turns adding a block to a tower can give your child another way to practice sharing.



Allow Your Child to Not Share in Some Cases


There are, obviously, times when it’s perfectly okay for your child not to share. In these situations, it’s important for you to set up your child for success. For example, your friend is coming over to your house with her children. You know there are toys that are very special to your child. Make sure to put away the toys that are very special to your child so that they aren’t even an issue or allow your child to put things in their room that they don’t choose to share and shut the door. Giving your child the space to keep certain things for themselves may help them be more willing to share their other toys.



Set Your Child Up for Success


Plan ahead and prepare your child for whatever situation is coming. Explain what will be happening in simple terms. For example, “Daddy’s friend Max and his kids are coming over this afternoon. When they get here they are going to play with you! How fun it will be to play together with your toys! I know that some toys like your teddy bear are very special to you. What do you think about putting Teddy away while your friends are here so he’ll be safe in your room?”



Positive Reinforcement and Direction


Just like with any other skill your child is learning, it’s important for you to be patient and offer positive reinforcement as your child learns to share. I know it can be embarrassing when your child loudly refuses to share their sand toys at the park or when your preschooler hoards all of the Legos at the table. Instead of escalating the situation and trying to force your child to share, maybe diffuse the situation by bringing out something they can do cooperatively like playdough or coloring. Change up the environment by bringing them outside. And remember, once your child is sharing, offer praise for their efforts.


In-Class or Home Techniques to Try


Here are some tried and true techniques that have been used by preschool teachers for decades:



Have Multiples of Favorite Toys


While this may be more practical in a group care setting, having multiples of favorite toys can take the pressure off. However, this doesn’t always work. Toddlers and preschoolers are unpredictable. They still, somehow, often fixate on “the one” even when all of the toys are identical. I’ve dealt with arguments over a specific yellow chair (when all the other chairs were also yellow) or the red playground ball (when all the other balls were also red).



Use a Timer to Take Turns


Some teachers set a timer for turn taking. They will give each child a certain amount of minutes before they need to stop and give the toy to the next friend. This can be helpful because it takes out the adult element. The timer is to blame for your turn being over. However, a pitfall with this technique is that it stops a child mid-play which can be upsetting.



Allow Children to Play With a Toy Until They’re Done and Then Share


In my program, this was the method I used most often. All of the children knew that if you chose a toy it was okay to play with it until you were done and then it was the next person’s turn. It wasn’t okay to hoard all of a certain type of toy and it wasn’t okay just to carry that toy around or hide it when you weren’t using it, but if you were actively using that toy, it was yours until you were done.


Through the years, I found that this technique took a lot of pressure off of me and the students. When they had control of the situation, they often shared more quickly and effortlessly than any time I asked them to share. The others learned that everyone who wanted a turn would get one. Obviously, this didn’t work smoothly all of the time. Toddlers and preschoolers aren’t known for their patience and understanding. I had some crying tantrums and frustrated children, but no method works smoothly for every child.



Make a List


Allow children to set up a schedule of their own. I saw in another program recently where a teacher had a clipboard and a paper/pencil. When there was a particular thing many children wanted to use, they were responsible for putting their name (or their letter or their shape or however they could mark their spot) onto the list. The child playing would check the list when they were done and the next person took a turn. This turns control over to the children and allows everyone to be listened to and get a turn. It also has the added benefit of sneaking in some purposeful, meaningful writing.


The road to teaching your child to share is a marathon, not a sprint. It’ll take time, but through positive reinforcement, modeling, and patience, your child will be well on her way!





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