I love my little black cat
在很多国家,猫被视为 “神”,特别是在埃及。
我们熟知的词是,cat,pussy, pussy cat,还有公猫、母猫、小猫。
很多人养猫为宠物。爱猫的人是ailurophile, 怕猫的人是ailurophobe.
In many countries, cats are regarded as god or goddess, especially in Egypt.
Besides the general term “cat”, pussy, pussy cat, , we have tomcat or gib (公猫), queen cat or tabby (母猫), kitten or kitty(小猫).
Many people keep cats as their pets, and love cats very much. We call these people “ailurophile”. Those who are afraid of cats, we call “ailurophobe”. As a result, we have several phrases related to cats, such as:
Cat’s paw---被人利用,被渔翁取利
Cat’s meow---妙、绝好
Fat cat-----指的是那种因为有钱有势而摆出一副懒洋洋、自鸣得意状的阔佬。
Cool cat---冷静的人,时尚的人
Cat around---寻欢作乐; 寻花问柳, like a tomcat.
Cat’s sleep(nap)---打盹
Bell the cat---挺身而出; 替别人冒险; 敢于冒险; 为大家的利益承担危险
A cat has nine lives---猫有九条命、吉人天相
Curiosity killed the cat---好奇害死猫; 事不关己,不要打听,好奇惹祸根
Care killed the cat----忧虑伤身
Let the cat out of the bag---公开秘密
Put the cat among the pigeon---(言行)造成轩然大波,招惹是非;引起麻烦
Like a cat on a hot tin roof---十分焦虑,热锅上的蚂蚁
Rain cats and dogs---倾盆大雨
When the cat’s away, mice will play---狸猫不在,老鼠闹债
All cats are gray in the dark---黑暗中好坏难辨
A gloved cat catches no mice---戴手套的猫,抓不到老鼠(不愿吃苦的人成不了大事业。)
The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream---猫偷吃奶油的时候总是闭着眼睛。(掩耳盗铃)
Cats hide their claws---知人知面不知心。
I love my cat because she is helping me in many ways.
Take one example in the above vedio.
因为我喜欢吃张家口坝上草原田丰牛羊肉、土鸡、喝歌涅红酒、曹怀仁酱香白酒,保健品用纽倍乐液体钙,我的猫也爱上了张家口坝上草原田丰牛羊肉、土鸡。She is a cool cat.
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