
客村附近动物收容所 黑镇市动物收容中心

人气:443 ℃/2023-12-25 13:25:12

黑镇市动物收容中心(BARC)位于西悉尼绿地公园附近,由Sam Crawford建筑事务所(SCA)设计,是南半球同类建筑中最大的建筑,可容纳380只狗和猫。

Blacktown Animal Rehoming Centre (BARC), located adjacent to the Western Sydney Parklands, was designed by Sam Crawford Architects (SCA), and is the largest building of its type in the Southern Hemisphere, housing up to 380 dogs and cats.

▼俯瞰建筑,aerial view of buildings © Brett Boardman

SCA的创始人Sam Crawford说:“BARC为动物和员工的福祉而设计。这些最先进的设施旨在改善动物健康,促进社区接收和收养这些被关起来的动物。我们通过设计实现把动物和人类与自然相连。”


Sam Crawford, director of SCA said: “BARC is designed for the well-being of animals and staff. The state-of-the-art facilities are designed to improve animal health and to increase community acceptance and adoption of impounded animals. This is achieved through our design that connects animals and humans to nature.”

“It was a juggling act to balance the highly technical requirements of animal welfare, the diverse needs of cats and dogs, with the desire for a safe and welcoming building for staff and visitors. We undertook extensive international research, and our design is benchmarked against world’s best practice in animal welfare.”

▼建筑入口区域概览,entrance area overview © Brett Boardman



“The centre is arranged into six buildings, ‘fingers’, read as elongated rural sheds, that reach out to engage with the landscape. Each building houses a different function – kennels, a cattery, vet facilities, back of house – to help improve assessment and holding efficiency. The long finger-like design allows the animals to have a direct connection to the surrounding landscape, increasing their interaction with nature and people. This layout maximises thermal, visual and aural comfort, minimising distress, assisting with rehabilitation, and providing amenity for staff.”

“Maximising the connection with nature is such an important part of the design. For the animals obviously, but also as relief for staff compassion-fatigue, and to balance the necessary hard surfaces required for hygiene and durability. It also de-institutionalises the spaces and makes them feel more welcoming.”

▼入口区域细部,detail of the entrance area © Brett Boardman

▼从停车场望向入口区域,entrance area viewing from parking © Brett Boardman

▼细长的手指状建筑,elongated finger-like buildings © Brett Boardman

▼与自然亲密接触,intimate connection to nature © Brett Boardman


The buildings are linked by covered walkways allowing for different animal movement pathways – receiving, assessment, stray reclaim and surrender, adoption, and most importantly, separating dogs and cats.

▼连接通道,connecting walkways © Brett Boardman


The building housing individual kennels is at a domestic rural scale, where dogs are stimulated with views onto nature via large glass windows and can rest or withdraw if needed behind screens. This layout minimises attention fatigue, acoustic discomfort and supports staff safety. Highly durable materials withstand extreme wear and bacteria spread, whilst best practice passive thermal comfort considers climate and ventilation. Large exercise spaces overlook the adjoining parklands.

▼独立狗舍,individual kennels © Brett Boardman

▼医疗设施,vet facilities © Brett Boardman


The light-filled reception building has a large extended roof sweeping up to create an iconic, open, easy-to-find entrance. A civic space, it provides a secure and welcoming environment, with clear directions and circulation, ‘homely’ viewing rooms for potential pets, and a function area for educational events. Cats are housed in multicoloured rooms, with playful sleeping boxes and climbing gyms. A building housing a veterinary hospital and cattery promotes disease control and is fitted out with the latest technology for the treatment of injuries and desexing. A staff-only building is used for animal admission, waste management, bulk storage, food preparation, grooming and laundering.

▼接待大楼室内概览,reception building interior overview © Brett Boardman

▼猫被安置在色彩斑斓的房间里,cats are housed in multicoloured rooms © Brett Boardman

▼猫房带有睡眠箱和攀岩室,playful sleeping boxes and climbing gym within cattery © Brett Boardman

SCA副总监兼项目建筑师Gabrielle Pelletier说,综合的色彩是设计的关键。“我们聘请了艺术家和色彩画师Lymesmith来创造一个大胆的配色方案,这使得六座建筑中的每一座都被一个独特的‘当地鸟类形象’的颜色所描绘。此外,“鸟屏”,一个一个100米长的抽象艺术作品,由色彩鲜艳的垂直翼片组成,以当地鸟类在灌木丛中穿梭为参考,连接了六座建筑并赋予了各异特色。这些颜色有助于寻路,同时也在传统上感觉冰冷没有人情味的建筑类型上注入了一些乐趣,给工作人员和造访者带来令人振奋的体验。”

Integrated colour was key to the design says Gabrielle Pelletier, Associate Director at SCA and project architect. “We engaged artist and colourist Lymesmith to create a bold colour scheme, which resulted in each of the six buildings delineated by the colours of a unique ‘native bird ambassador’. In addition, the ‘Bird Screen’, a 100 metre-long, abstract artwork of brightly multicoloured vertical blades, references local birds flittering through the bush, and identifies and links the six buildings. The colours assist with way-finding, but also inject some fun, uplifting staff and visitor experiences, in a venue typology that traditionally can feel a bit cold and impersonal.”

▼色彩鲜艳的垂直翼片, multicoloured vertical blades © Brett Boardman


The facility sits lightly in an extensive landscaped area, with drought tolerant, shade-giving and low maintenance planting promoting habitation of the very bird species that are the subject of the integrated art. The landscape acts as bio-filtration at multiple points, promoting stormwater absorption across the site. Fun facts about cats and dogs are inscribed into pavements to educate the public.

▼人行道上镌刻着关于猫和狗的有趣小知识,fun facts about cats and dogs are inscribed into pavements © Brett Boardman



Hygienic, durable, robust, low maintenance and easy-to-clean materials were chosen. Sustainable features include passive thermal comfort through maximising cross ventilation, solar access, water retention, together with sustainable technologies such as a 99 kWh solar PV array, EV car chargers and heat exchange air-conditioning.

The multipurpose function area facilitates the centre’s strong community support goals by providing public education programs in animal training and pre-adoption courses for humans, aiming to maximise animal retention rates by adopters.

▼猫房,cattery © Brett Boardman

▼公共区域一角,corner of the public space © Brett Boardman


“The post-covid period has seen increases in stray and surrendered animals and we are pleased to see that our design has maximised the opportunity for rehabilitation and adoption of dogs and cats, with delighted new pet owners now walking out the door every day,” added Crawford.

▼平面图,plan © Sam Crawford Architects

▼立面图,elevations © Sam Crawford Architects

▼剖面图,sections © Sam Crawford Architects

Project – Blacktown Animal Rehoming Centre (BARC)

Location – Wawarawarry Country / Blacktown, NSW, Australia

Client – Blacktown City Council

Size – 6,180 sqm; 26,480 sqm site

Status – Completed 2023

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