banning pets from some areas in a household makes sense. i’m not talking about kitchen tables/countertops where food is handled, or anywhere else that is potentially unsafe.
this is specifically referring to the people who won’t let their cats or dogs sit on the couches/chairs with the rest of the family for whatever reason. there are plenty of nice looking, pet-proof throw blankets and seating covers if you’re worried about the furniture being damaged or soiled.
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
bringing an animal into your home and relegating them to a lifetime on the floor or limiting them to “pet furniture” which often is nothing more than a glorified cushion on the ground is just cold. not abusive or anything, but definitely unkind. i understand wanting to keep furniture nice, but it’s not hard to do that without excluding your pets from comfortably hanging out with their human family members.
if you can’t handle the idea of your pets sharing your furniture, you should stick with pets that live in their own enclosures like fish or reptiles.
i think OP is a cat that wasnt allowed on a chair
My mom, bless her heart, is very allergic to cats. Despite this, I'm staying with my family until I get a new place in this city. This of course means my cat is here too.
He's never been allowed on counters, so he stays off them, but I've always let him on furniture because I love him and want him to have a comfy place to sit when he's not cuddling up with me.
He's already chosen several bits of furniture to sit on the back of, and my mom is totally okay with this. In fact, she seems to totally love him despite being allergic. It's really heartwarming to see my old cat warm up to my old mother, and how she fusses over him and buys him treats like pots of cat grass and cat treats to spoil him.
Pets are family. Period.
Isn't a couch just a glorified cushion on the ground.
some pet beds are like 300x more comfortable than some couches idk why someone thinks they're not good enough.
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Those people probably haven’t seen the 300x comfortable pet bed, don’t want extra furniture around the house, or just see it as mean to have their pet, such as a dog lay closer to the ground than they are. I assume the “mean to have your dog closer to the ground” is from basic human nature, because people have evolved to associate the floor as the lowest position, and the higher in altitude you are, the higher position you have. Sleeping of course is seen as a vulnerability, we evolved to build tents for this reason to protect ourselves from dangers of weather or predators, and over time raised beds to protect against obxts on the ground. Due to this human nature being still present in us today, and dogs being more of lap-dogs and mental health companions that connect to us, humans have anthropomorphized dogs, creating puzzles and such, and of course, applying the concept of high ground, higher honor, low ground, less honor to their quarters. Essentially, they want to treat a companion like
themselves, and because most dog beds are placed on the ground (less honorable than a couch) than they feel bad, thinking the bed isn’t good enough
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