最聪明的狗狗品种排行榜第一位 什么,世界上最聪明的狗狗竟然不是边牧
International Dog Day
Tomorrow (26th August) is the International Dog Day. Let’s learn more about our best friends from Belgium! What is often missing in any list of Belgium's key assets and of things that Belgium does best is the Malinois sheepdog!
Malinois, also known as the Belgian Shepherd, was declared the most intelligent dog in the world by scientists from the University of Helsinki. Most people think that Border Collie is the most intelligent dog breed. However, recent research shows otherwise. Overall, Malinois come out as the top performers in the so-called smartDOG cognition test. A total of 1,002 dogs from 13 different breeds completed 10 different tests. Of these, seven tests focused on cognitive traits and three on behaviour. Top of the class for most turned out to be the Malinois.In addition to his exceptionally highly developed sense of smell, he possesses a range of positive character traits, including keen intelligence, attentiveness, courage, willingness to work, tenacity, vigilance, and loyalty. In this survey, Border Collie was placed a creditable second. The Labrador and Golden Retriever came third.
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In the late 19th century, many sheepdogs of various types helped farmers and shepherds drive their flocks in Belgium and the Netherlands region. Malinois Sheepdogs were first bred in the district around the city of Mechelen in 1891. In 1898, the Malinois Club for the Improvement of the Shorthaired Sheepdog was founded and began selecting for the coveted traits. The colour of the shorthaired shepherd was an afterthought. On the other hand, what was decisive was the combination of appearance and capability: well-built and well-trained, spirited guard/defence and service dogs with an excellent sense of smell.
Malinois and policemen in Brussels
For a long time, police forces in Belgium and abroad used the German Shepherd dog for tracking purposes, security patrols, and drug-related assignments, but for ten years now, the Malinois Sheepdog has been steadily overtaking it as the number one police dog worldwide.Quite a few German Shepherd dogs suffer from hip and back problems, while Malinois are much more intelligent, courageous, and supple and do not suffer from the typical ailments that are the result of intensive breeding. The Malinois is also the breed that is mainly used by the Dog Support Service of the Belgian Federal Police, and it is also attracting the attention of police forces in Germany and the American Special Forces.
By the way, a Malinois was declared the big heroof the US Navy Seals in 2011, for he helped capture Osama Bin Laden.
Have you seen a Malinois in China or in Belgium? Can you send us a picture of them?
事实上,今天,比利时的朋友们有机会在西海岸的科克西德(Koksijde)海滩上更好地了解我们的警犬!今年是第三届国际 "K9 日",这是一个完全献给我们四条腿的朋友和保护者——警犬和安全犬——的免费体验日。有多项活动和精彩表演来帮助公众了解警犬任务的重要性。如果有时间,欢迎去围观!更多信息:https://www.k9daybelgium.be/
Actually, today, friends in Belgium have the opportunity to get to know our police dogs better on the beach of Koksijde by the west coast! This year marks the 3rd version of International "K9-Day", which is a free experience day entirely dedicated to our four-legged friends and protectors: police and security dogs. Several activities and spectacular demonstrations are planned to help the general public discover the importance of their missions. If you can, go check out! More info: https://www.k9daybelgium.be/
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