

人气:385 ℃/2024-09-23 10:57:22




Balinese cats have long svelte bodies and sapphire-blue eyes. They are a mutation of the Siamese breed.巴厘岛的猫有修长的身体和蓝绿色的眼睛。它们是暹罗的变种。


The Birman is known as the “Sacred Cat of Burma.” It is characterized by deep-blue eyes, a bushy tail, and white-gloved paws.比尔曼被称为“缅甸的圣猫”。它的特征是深蓝色的眼睛,毛茸茸的尾巴和戴着白手套的爪子。


The Cymric cat is a stout tailless breed. It is a type of longhair Manx.金力克长毛猫是一种健壮的无尾品种。这是一种长发Manx。


The Himalayan cat is a cross between the Siamese and the Persian. It has a cobby body, short full tail, and sapphire-blue eyes.喜马拉雅猫是暹罗猫和波斯猫的混血。它有一个圆胖的身体,短而完整的尾巴,和蓝绿色的眼睛。


The Javanese cat is known for its gracefulness. It has a long lithe body and silky coat. 爪哇猫以优雅著称。它有长而柔软的身体和柔滑的皮毛。

Maine Coon缅因猫

The Maine Coon is the oldest American breed of cat. It is large and well-muscled with a shaggy coat.缅因猫是美国最古老的猫科动物。它很大,肌肉发达,毛发蓬松。

Norwegian Forest挪威森林猫

The Norwegian Forest cat features prominently in Norse mythology as the skogkatt, a mystical cat with the power to climb sheer rock faces. Norwegian Forest cats were also thought to have been favored by the Norse goddess Freya. They have a robust muscular body with a double coat.挪威森林猫在挪威神话中扮演神秘的猫skogkatt,它能爬上陡峭的岩石表面。挪威森林猫也被认为是受挪威女神Freya的喜爱。它们有强健的身体和双层被毛。


The Persian, or Persian Longhair, is one of the oldest and most popular breeds of cats. They are known for their cobby bodies and massive heads.波斯猫,或称波斯长毛猫,是最古老和最受欢迎的猫品种之一。它们以矮胖的身体和巨大的脑袋而闻名。


The Ragdoll cat relaxes its muscles when it is picked up, giving it the appearance of a floppy rag doll. They have a heavy and powerful build and blue eyes. 当这只布偶猫被抱起时,它的肌肉会放松,看起来就像一个松软的布偶。他们有着沉重而有力的体格和蓝色的眼睛。


The Somali is a longhair variety of the Abyssinian, which is a shorthair cat. They have lithe and muscular bodies with a full brush tail and green or golden eyes.索马里猫是一种短毛毛阿比西尼亚猫中的长毛品种。它们身体柔软,肌肉发达,尾巴浓密,眼睛呈绿色或金色。

Turkish Angora土耳其安哥拉猫

The Turkish Angora was one of the first longhair cats in Europe. It has a long plumed tail and large pointed ears.土耳其安哥拉猫是欧洲最早的长毛猫之一。它有一条长长的带羽毛的尾巴和一对又大又尖的耳朵


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