
2022年3月的学习笔记 2022.01.10,学习记录108要为更重要的事忧虑

人气:313 ℃/2023-12-13 07:57:38

Welcome to Firry's learning log. This is the _108th day of my record.








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▶“自视太低者以为写作需要一副特殊的天才,自问既没有天才,纵然写来写去,总写不到名家的那样好,倒不如索性不写为妙。自视过高者以为自己已经读了许多作品,对于文学算是内行,不写则已,写就必与众不同,于是天天在幻想将来写出如何伟大的作品。” 一朱光潜



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➽What to expect from your first boxing class 你的第一节拳击课,你准备好了吗? 02.词汇学习 heavyweight, knockout, backhanded compliment, contend, toe–to–toe, condescending 03.句型学习 take a jab at, go the distance, go down swinging



I don't wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to work. 我不会等自己有心情了再做事。 如果那样,什么也做不了。 你必须牢记,只有动手才能有所得。 赛珍珠 Pearl Buck 美国作家、人权和女权活动家 诺贝尔文学奖(1938年) 普利策奖(1932年)


❶mood be in no mood for doing sth没有做某事的心情 对应汉语中的“没心情”“没心思” be in one of sb's moods (再次)心情不好 完美破解汉语中的“又不开心”“又闹情绪”

❷mind have half a mind to do sth 想要/可能会做某事 完美破解汉语中的“想(做某事)”“可能” on .one's mind 挂在心上,惦念 对应汉语中的“担心(某人)”“烦心事儿”



  • “其他”记录栏中的书❶、❷和❺
  • 杨帅每日三句


❶I don't_ believe that dreams__mean anything_significant. ❷ I think they are simply a manifestation of our subconscious thoughts, worries, fears. and desires. manifestation n.表现、显示 subconscious 沿意识的

❸For example. if I' m worried about my job. I might have a nightmare about it.

  • Albert英闻

▶往期/The fashion retailer H&M is facing a potential boycott in China after a statement the company made last year expressing deep concerns over reports of forced labor in Xj stirred a social media storm this week.

  • Jessica卡卡课堂

▶Quote to learn for Today The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively. - Bob Marley (Musician ) 一个人之伟大不在于他取得多少财富,而是他的诚信及正面影响周遭人的能力。 -巴布·马利(音乐家)

  • 其他雅思相关


  • 其他

▶每日外刊试听——JD.com appoints new president as founder steps back from day-to-day operations 创始人退出日常运营,京东任命新总裁 ·step back from sth.从某事中退出;

JD.com's founder and CEO Richard Liu is stepping back from day-to-day operations while the Chinese e-commerce giant said it has created a new president role. Xu Lei, who was previously CEO of JD Retail, will take up the role of president and take over day-to-day operations of JD.com and collaborative development of various business units of the company.

·take up担任; ·take over接管; ·business unit业务部门; ·formulate vt.规划;用公式表示;明确地表达; ·reshuffle n.重新洗牌;改组; ·sound adj.合理的;完好的;健全的; ·a large number of一大批; ·have belief in对.….有信念; ·philosophy n.理念;(哲学); ·industry experience行业经验; ·logistics n.物流;后勤工作;




❶balk vi.畏缩不前,退缩 " Younger Japanese balked at a lifetime's monthly fees. 年轻日本人也在回避这种终生的月费。

❷lineage n.世系,家族,血统 a royal lineage 皇家血统 trace your lineage 追溯血统

❸cranial adj.颅的,头盖骨的 " No evidence of cranial trauma. 没有头部创伤迹象。

❹incidental adj.附带的,次要的;伴随而来的 incidental expenses 附加费用 an incidental detail 次要的细节 be incidental to sth ...附带的,伴随...的

❺bestow vt.给予,授予,献给 bestow sth on sb 把.….授予某人,把.….赠予某人



➽进度→_272__ / 336

solicitor /sa'lIssta/ n.(英国的)诉状律师,事务律师;

(美国的)法务官 umpire /Ampa1a/ n.裁判员

mow /mau/ v.剧,修剪 n.干草堆 [搭]mow the lawn修剪草坪 exhale /eks'herl/ v.呼气,呼出 [记]inhale v.吸气 hasten /heisan/ v.赶紧;促进 【记】hasty adj.匆忙的, 促的 haste n 忙,草率 preach /pri:tj/ v.宣扬 [搭]preach at/to sb.对某人说教 kneel /ni:l/ v.跪,跪下whird /ws:l/ v.(使)回旋n.回旋 baptise /bap'tauz/ (=baptize)v.给……施行洗礼(或浸礼) mesmerise /'mezmaraiz/ (=mesmerize)v.吸引,迷住





▶《漫步伦敦和回忆62 》

▶进度_62___ /313



▶❶概率推理的其他问题——合取谬误87 ❷过度自信效应86

▶进度___87_ /193

❸ 精读《LEAN IN 》



▶进度_101-102___ /140

❹ 《论语》陈典版


▶进度__532__ /842

❺ 其他散文

▶《我们全部的尊严在于思想 》 、《 为更重要的东西忧虑何怀宏》

❻ 其他频道/音频/书等


▶英:top think

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