1、一清二楚 crystal clear
2、两败俱伤 Both sides suffer.
3、三思而行 Think twice.
4、四面八方 from every side
5、五光十色 bright with many colors
6、六亲不认 turn one's back on one's flesh and blood
7、七嘴八舌 all talking at once
8、八面玲珑 a smooth operator
9、九霄云外 cast to the winds
10、一见钟情 love at first sight
11、一拍即合 hit it off right away
12、一心一意 wholeheartedly
13、一诺千金 A promise is a promise.
14、一马当先 take the lead
15、一鸣惊人 set the world on fire
16、一毛不拔 very stingy
17、一贫如洗 as poor as a church mouse
18、一刀两断 make a clean break
19、两小无猜 innocent playmates
20、两相情愿 Both parties are willing.
21、两全其美 satisfy both sides
22、三番五次 again and again
23、三令五申 repeated orders and instructions
24、三五成群 in threes and fours
25、四平八稳 as steady as a rock
26、四通八达 be accessible from all directions
27、四海为家 feel at home wherever one goes
28、五花八门 all kinds of
29、五湖四海 all corners of the land
30、五体投地 be lost in admiration
31、六神无主 out of one's wits
32、六亲无靠 have nobody to turn to
33、六根清净 free from human desires and passions
34、七零八落 at sixes and sevens
35、七手八脚 too many cooks
36、七上八下 be agitated
37、一举两得 Kill two birds with one stone.
38、接二连三 one after another
39、张三李四 Tom, Dick and Harry
40、四分五裂 fall apart
41、五颜六色 all the colors of the rainbow
42、七拼八凑 scrape together
43、九牛一毛 a drop in the bucket
44、十拿九稳 in the bag
45、十全十美 be all roses
46、百折不挠 Never say die.
47、百读不厌 be worth reading many times
48、百年不遇 once-in-a-century
49、千言万语 a thousand words
50、千山万水 a thousand miles
51、千变万化 ever-changing
52、万籁俱寂 The air is very still.
53、万人空巷 The whole town turns out.
54、万象更新 Everything is fresh again.
1、赤子之心 a child at heart
2、赤胆忠心 utter loyalty
3、赤地千里 a barren land
4、赤手空拳 with bare hands
5、赤膊上阵 do sth. bare-chested
6、赤诚相待 bare one's heart to sb.
7、万紫千红 a riot of color
8、满脸通红 blush with sth.
9、齿白唇红 good-looking
10、黑灯瞎火 dark with no light
11、黑更半夜 in the middle of the night
12、黑白混淆 can't tell right from wrong
13、昏天黑地 in pitch darkness
14、白纸黑字 in black and white
15、颠倒黑白 intentionally mislead sb.
16、一团漆黑 pitch-black
17、说白道黑 be critical
18、起早贪黑 work twenty-four seven
19、白手起家 start from scratch
20、白璧无瑕 picture perfect
21、白头偕老 grow old together
22、月白风清 a pleasant evening
23、平白无故 for no reason
24、不白之冤 be wrongly accused
25、不明不白 unclear
26、真相大白 The truth has come out.
27、襟怀坦白 having nothing to hide
28、金兰之交 sworn brothers
29、金童玉女 Jack and Jill
30、金石为开 Faith moves mountains.
31、金碧辉煌 like a golden palace
32、金蝉脱壳 get out of trouble
33、金戈铁马 heroic and brave
34、一刻千金 Time is money.
35、点石成金 work miracles
36、众口铄金 Public opinion will make a rumor true.
37、黄道吉日 a lucky day
38、黄雀伺蝉 Watch your back.
39、黄粱一梦 a pipe dream
40、青黄不接 a temporary shortage
41、面黄肌瘦 look pale and thin
42、飞黄腾达 make it in the world
43、明日黄花 out of date
44、直捣黄龙 hit sb. where it hurts
45、人约黄昏 go on a date
46、青红皂白 the facts
47、青天霹雳 a bolt from the blue
48、青出于蓝 The pupils outdo the master.
49、绿水青山beautiful country scenery
50、平步青云 quickly move up in the world
51、名垂青史 go down in history
52、妙手丹青 a painting master
53、炉火纯青 be at the top of one's game
54、万古长青 be everlasting
1、喜出望外 be overjoyed
2、喜笑颜开 One's face light up.
3、喜闻乐见 love to see and hear
4、怒发冲冠 blow one's top
5、怒目而视 give sb. a black look
6、怒不可遏 see red
7、哀鸿遍野 Suffering is all around.
8、哀兵必胜 The South will rise again.
9、哀而不伤 a somber occasion
10、乐天知命 happy-go-lucky
11、乐此不疲 enjoy doing sth.
12、乐不可支 as pleased as Punch
13、爱憎分明know whom to love and whom to hate
14、爱莫能助 The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
15、爱不释手 be attached to sth.
16、情窦初开 adolescent love
17、情同手足 love sb. like a brother
18、情有可原 be understandable
19、悲天悯人 bemoan the times and pity the people
20、悲欢离合 vicissitudes of life
21、悲痛欲绝 heart-stricken
22、伤风败俗 offend public decency
23、伤天害理 do things that are against reason and nature
24、伤筋动骨 break a bone
25、痛哭流涕 cry one's heart out
26、痛不欲生 eat one's heart out
27、痛心疾首 feel bitter about
28、忧心如焚 worry oneself to death
29、忧心忡忡 heavy-hearted
30、忧国忧民 be concerned about one's country and one's people
31、愁眉苦脸 wear a sad face
32、愁云惨雾 stormy weather
33、愁肠寸断 One's heart is broken.
34、哭哭啼啼 weep and sob
35、哭笑不得 not know whether to laugh or to cry
36、哭天喊地 cry loudly
37、惊天动地 earth-shattering
38、惊慌失色 be as pale as a ghost
39、惊心动魄 breathtaking
40、狂风暴雨 violent storm
41、狂妄自大 cocky
42、狂涛巨浪 stormy sea
43、骄傲自满 be complacent
44、骄奢淫逸 lead a life of luxury and debauchery
45、骄兵必败 Pride goes before a fall.
46、感情用事 be swayed by one's emotions
47、感同身受 identify with
48、感慨万千 be filled with emotion
49、苦口婆心 earnest and well-meaning advice
50、苦心经营 mastermind
51、苦尽甘来 After the bitter comes the sweet.
52、新仇旧恨add insult to injury
53、深仇大恨 deep-seated hatred
54、报仇雪恨 settle old scores
1、东倒西歪 rickety
2、东奔西走 bustle about
3、东躲西藏 run for cover
4、南辕北辙 totally opposite
5、南来北往 come and go
6、南征北战 go to many wars and battles
7、天长地久 forever and ever
8、天经地义 a matter of course
9、天罗地网 a gigantic net
10、上蹿下跳 run sinister errands
11、上行下效 Monkey see, monkey do.
12、上情下达 open communication
13、前仆后继 When one falls, another takes his place.
14、前呼后拥 with a large entourage
15、前因后果 cause and effect
16、左思右想 think back and forth
17、左顾右盼 look left and right
18、左邻右舍 next-door neighbors
19、内忧外患 troubles at home and abroad
20、内政外交 internal and foreign affairs
21、内柔外刚 soft on the inside but tough on the outside
22、出将入相 have both civil and military abilities
23、出神入化 perform miracles
24、出凡入胜 extraordinary
25、来龙去脉 the whole story
26、来情去意 the entire process
27、来踪去迹 one's whereabouts
28、大材小用 a waste of talent
29、大惊小怪 make a big deal
30、大同小异 almost the same
31、长吁短叹 moan and groan
32、长话短说 to make a long story short
33、长才短驭 use a sledgehammer on a gnat
34、明查暗访 open and secret investigations
35、明争暗斗 overt and covert battle
36、明枪暗箭 front-side and back-side attacks
37、古往今来 throughout the ages
38、古为今用 make the past serve the present
39、古是今非 rights and wrongs of the past and present
40、朝三暮四 blow hot and cold
41、朝秦暮楚 play fast and loose
42、朝思暮想 think of sb. morning, noon and night
43、先斩后奏 shoot first, ask questions later
44、先礼后兵 use the carrot before the stick
45、先来后到 First come, first served.
46、有备无患 Better safe than sorry.
47、有口无心 One's bark is worse than one's bite.
48、有气无力 feeble
49、似是而非 seemingly right
50、口是心非 say yes and mean no
51、惹是生非 ask for trouble
52、异口同声 in unison
53、异曲同工 employ different methods with equal success
54、异路同归 different routes to the same destination
1、眼捷手快 sharp
2、眼高手低 have great ambition but little talent
3、眼花缭乱 be dazzled
4、耳目一新 a breath of fresh air
5、耳濡目染 be deeply influenced
6、耳熟能详 be often heard and well remembered
7、口若悬河 be silver-tongued
8、口出狂言 speak arrogantly
9、口干舌燥 parched
10、眉清目秀 handsome
11、眉目传情 give sb. the eye
12、眉开眼笑 beam with delight
13、毛遂自荐 volunteer one's services
14、毛手毛脚 rough-handed
15、毛骨悚然 absolutely terrified
16、骨肉分离 family separation
17、骨瘦如柴 be all skin and bone
18、骨鲠在喉 Cat got one's tongue.
19、心血来潮 impulsive
20、心想事成 Fondest wishes come true.
21、心照不宣 not necessary to say more
22、肝胆相照 be devoted to each other
23、肝肠寸断 be heartbroken
24、肝脑涂地 lay down one's life
25、狼心狗肺 cold-blooded
26、沁人心肺 refreshing
27、肺腑之言 a heart-to-heart talk
28、胸有成竹 with complete confidence
29、胸无点墨 practically illiterate
30、胸怀大志 aim high
31、腹载五车 highly educated
32、腹心之患 enemy in one's ranks
33、腹背受敌 between the devil and the deep sea
34、胆小如鼠 as timid as a mouse
35、胆大包天 a daredevil
36、胆颤心惊 tremble with fear
37、头头是道 appear impressive
38、头昏脑涨 One's head swim.
39、头破血流 be badly battered
40、面不改色 keep a straight face
41、面目可憎 repulsive in appearance
42、面目全非 a complete change
43、手无寸铁 unarmed
44、手下留情 show mercy
45、手忙脚乱 in a rush
46、身不由己 be obliged to do sth.
47、身败名裂 be utterly discredited
48、身体力行 practice what one preaches
49、体贴入微 show every possible consideration
50、体态轻盈 a supple body
51、体无完肤 be raked over the coals
52、血气方刚 hot-blooded
53、血口喷人 sling mud at sb.
54、血海深仇 a blood feud
1、鼠目寸光 short-sighted
2、过街老鼠 a public enemy
3、猫哭老鼠 crocodile tears
4、牛刀小试 warm-up
5、对牛弹琴 Cast pearls before swine.
6、老牛破车 slow as molasses
7、虎视眈眈 cast a greedy eye on
8、卧虎藏龙 undiscovered talent
9、如虎添翼 with added strength
10、兔死狐悲 feel sympathy for one's own kind
11、狡兔三窟 A crafty person has more than one hideout.
12、守株待兔 wait for the fish to jump into the boat
13、龙争虎斗 clash of the Titans
14、画龙点睛 add the finishing touch
15、群龙无首 a ship without a captain
16、蛇影杯弓 be paranoid
17、打草惊蛇 wake the sleeping giant
18、虚与委蛇 pretend to be nice
19、马到成功 an instant success
20、招兵买马 raise an army
21、悬崖勒马 pull back before it is too late
22、羊肠小道 a zigzag path
23、亡羊补牢 Better late than never.
24、顺手牵羊 walk off with sth.
25、猴年马月 God knows how long
26、尖嘴猴腮 monkey-faced
27、杀鸡儆猴 make an example of sb.
28、鸡毛蒜皮 trivial
29、鸡飞蛋打 a lose-lose situation
30、鸡犬不宁 be in chaos
31、狗急跳墙 Even a worm will turn
32、狗拿耗子 be meddlesome
33、狗仗人势 have a big brother to back sb. up
34、猪朋狗友 bad company
35、指猪骂狗 make a veiled accusation
36、一龙一猪 as different as night and day
37、鸟枪换炮 a major upgrade
38、小鸟依人 look like a doll
39、笨鸟先飞 The early bird catches the worm.
40、鹤立鸡群 stand out in the crowd
41、闲云野鹤 free as a bird
42、杳如黄鹤 be never heard from again
43、雁过留声 leave a legacy
44、雁过拔毛 an opportunist
45、沉鱼落雁 drop-dead gorgeous
46、鱼目混珠 pass sth. off as real
47、鱼龙混杂 hodgepodge
48、鱼死网破 fight to the finish
49、虾兵蟹将 cannon fodder
50、瓮中捉鳖 like shooting fish in a barrel
51、井底之蛙 a frog at the bottom of a well
52、蛛丝马迹 tell-tale signs
53、蝇头小利 a small profit
54、螳臂当车 overestimate one's ability
1、花团锦簇 be blanketed with flowers
2、花容月貌 as pretty as a picture
3、花言巧语 sweet-talk
4、草草了事 carelessly get through sth.
5、草莽英雄 a Robin Hood
6、草菅人命 kill at will
7、麻木不仁 have a heart of stone
8、缘木求鱼 get blood from a stone
9、枯木逢春 get a new lease on life
10、树大招风 under the magnifying glass
11、树大根深 a pillar of society
12、树碑立传 commemorate sb.
13、花枝招展 be all dressed up
14、粗枝大叶 a scatter-brain
15、细枝末节 minor details
16、叶落归根 Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
17、叶落知秋 a sign of things to come
18、叶公好龙 a hypocrite
19、松柏之志 unwavering faith
20、松柏常青 enduring
21、松鹤延龄 live long and prosper
22、竹报平安 send a letter home
23、竹篮打水 all in vain
24、竹苞松茂 hope your family prospers
25、望梅止渴 a fruitless exercise
26、盐梅之寄 trust sb. with one's life
27、梅妻鹤子 a hermit
28、柳暗花明 Every cloud has a silver lining.
29、柳下借阴 under the aegis of
30、柳眉倒竖 go ballistic
31、落地生根 put down roots
32、斩草除根 exterminate
33、错节盘根 complicated
34、三顾茅庐 call on sb. repeatedly
35、初出茅庐 a newbie
36、顿开茅塞 suddenly see the light
37、沧海桑田 a sea change
38、收之桑榆 a blessing in disguise
39、造福桑梓 give back to the community
40、心乱如麻 be very distraught
41、快刀斩麻 cut the Gordian knot
42、杀人如麻 commit innumerable murders
43、瓜田李下 shady circumstances
44、瓜熟蒂落 when the timing is right
45、瓜剖豆分 cut into pieces
46、鱼米之乡 a land flowing with milk and honey
47、无米之炊 cannot make bricks without straw
48、柴米油盐 daily necessities
49、自食其果 As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.
50、互为因果 be in correlation with
51、开花结果 bear fruit
52、种豆得豆 You reap what you sow.
53、两耳塞豆 have blinders on
54、燃萁煮豆 infighting
1、春寒料峭 the chill of early spring
2、春暖花开 Spring has come and the flowers are in bloom.
3、春光明媚 a bright spring day
4、春风满面 beam with satisfaction
5、春风化雨 inspirational teaching
6、春晖寸草 a parent's love
7、春宵一刻 magical moment
8、春意阑珊 the final days of spring
9、春华秋实 April showers bring May flowers.
10、夏雨雨人 a godsend
11、夏炉冬扇 like spring sand to be beach
12、夏日可畏 a tyrant
13、热火朝天 in full swing
14、热情洋溢 brim with enthusiasm
15、热泪盈眶 One's eyes brim with tears.
16、汗流浃背 sweat like a pig
17、汗马功劳 distinguished service
18、汗牛充栋 enough books to fill a library
19、秋高气爽 crisp autumn weather
20、秋水伊人 feel nostalgic
21、秋月春风 golden years
22、秋风落叶 make a clean sweep of
23、秋毫无犯 highly disciplined
24、秋后算账 square up later
25、一日三秋 Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
26、多事之秋 trouble times
27、各有千秋 Each has its merits.
28、冬暖夏凉 warm in winter and cool in summer
29、冬温夏清 be attentive to one's parents
30、冬日可爱 a ray of sunshine
31、寒冬腊月 in the dead of winter
32、寒气逼人 There is a nip in the air.
33、寒风刺骨 The cold wind cuts one to the bone.
34、冷若冰霜 cold as ice
35、冷眼旁观 look on indifferently
36、冷嘲热讽 mock and ridicule
37、风土人情 local customs and practices
38、风云人物 man of the hour
39、风华正茂 in one's prime
40、雨过天晴 The storm subsides and the sky clears.
41、雨后春笋 pop up like weeds
42、雨恨云愁 cannot tear oneself away from
43、雪上加霜 one disaster after another
44、雪中送炭 timely assistance
45、雪窗萤火 burn the midnight oil
46、山珍海味 a luxurious feast
47、山高水长 of lasting influence
48、山穷水尽 come to a dead end
49、海阔天空 nothing but blue skies
50、海誓山盟 a solemn pledge of love
51、海纳百川 open-minded
52、天怒人怨 an uproar
53、天从人愿 by the grace of God
54、天伦之乐 the happiness of family union
- 1狗狗做完绝育是不是会长胖 狗狗绝育后肥胖都是你的错368
- 2猫咪的胡须是用来保持平衡的吗?关于猫咪的胡须你可能不知道的作用448
- 3解决猫咪毛球的最好方法,猫咪美毛怎么办试试猫卵磷脂184
- 4猫咪驱虫性价比最好的方案:培森家园小知识猫咪驱虫如何做164
- 5一只会撒娇的金毛,温柔大金毛化身狗狗好朋友的导盲犬484
- 6老了你还敢去养老院吗?当我们老得走不动了只能进养老院吗417
- 7蓝猫怕冷钻进主人被窝里,橘猫半夜合掌拜拜,网看到好兄弟411
- 813岁男孩被野狗咬伤后续:辟谣嘉兴某论坛疯传的414
- 9心若向阳花自开 何惧月光落窗台 心花路放悲喜交加过后201
- 10广州动物园无障碍厕所位置 七星岗设54座,宠物厕所230
- 1流浪猫向人求救太可怜了看着心碎,流浪猫只有三条腿还好遇到命定的主人477
- 2狗狗什么行为代表对主人的暗示?狗狗为何喜欢跟你上厕所271
- 3金毛在水里怎样救人 金毛冲进大海救回溺水小鹿130
- 4藏獒当年为什么那么值钱?天价的藏獒如今成了肉狗288
- 5我的世界1.15怎么驯服炽足兽?我的世界1.14:大神驯服狐狸有2种方法291
- 6猫咪一下子咬掉了三条线 既好笑又心疼猫咪咬断电线280
- 7盘点狗狗的奶萌奶萌的叫声:狗狗头一歪这个萌卖得真可爱199
- 8二哈走丢后拖家带口回来,二哈走丢两周后被送回371
- 9马桶和蹲厕的优缺点有哪些?蹲厕好还是马桶好他们都说是马桶285
- 10功夫梦里的武当里有谁,陈晓飞,山顶的云梯301