

人气:404 ℃/2024-03-05 22:35:49

In English, the words "wear" and "put on" both refer to the clothes (or accessories) on your body. The difference, however, is that put on is the actual action of putting clothes on to your body, while wear is the state of having clothes on.

在英语中,“wear”和“put on”都有穿衣服或配件的意思。然而不同的是,put on形容的是衣物穿戴到身上的实际动作,而wear则是穿着衣服的状态。

例句1:Did you see a boy wearing white hat?你看见一个戴白帽子的男孩吗?

例句2:Are you still putting on your clothes?You'll be late for school.你还在穿衣服吗?你上学会迟到的。

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