
适合0到2岁听的英文儿歌 每日一首宝宝英文儿歌

人气:148 ℃/2024-10-31 08:45:53


1⊂↹⊃00:00:05,000 --> 00:00:09,519

Down by the bay⊂↹⊃在海湾下

2⊂↹⊃00:00:09,759 --> 00:00:13,960

Where the watermelons grow⊂↹⊃西瓜在哪里生长

3⊂↹⊃00:00:14,679 --> 00:00:18,820

Back to my home⊂↹⊃回到我家

4⊂↹⊃00:00:19,440 --> 00:00:23,940

I dare not go⊂↹⊃我不敢去

5⊂↹⊃00:00:24,239 --> 00:00:28,439

For if I do⊂↹⊃因为如果我这样做

6⊂↹⊃00:00:28,960 --> 00:00:32,759

My mother will say,⊂↹⊃我妈妈会说

7⊂↹⊃00:00:33,299 --> 00:00:38,259

Did you ever see a bee drinking some tea⊂↹⊃你见过蜜蜂喝茶

8⊂↹⊃00:00:38,479 --> 00:00:40,000

Down by the bay?⊂↹⊃在海湾下吗?

9⊂↹⊃00:00:40,000 --> 00:00:41,640

Down by the bay⊂↹⊃在海湾下

10⊂↹⊃00:00:42,500 --> 00:00:44,299

Where the watermelons grow⊂↹⊃西瓜在哪里生长

11⊂↹⊃00:00:44,960 --> 00:00:46,960

Back to my home⊂↹⊃回到我家

12⊂↹⊃00:00:47,579 --> 00:00:49,280

I dare not go⊂↹⊃我不敢去

13⊂↹⊃00:00:50,039 --> 00:00:51,880

For if I do⊂↹⊃因为如果我这样做

14⊂↹⊃00:00:52,520 --> 00:00:53,980

My mother will say,⊂↹⊃我妈妈会说

15⊂↹⊃00:00:55,380 --> 00:00:58,239

Did you ever see a fish washing a dish⊂↹⊃你见过一条鱼在洗碗吗

16⊂↹⊃00:00:58,439 --> 00:00:59,960

Down by the bay?⊂↹⊃在海湾下吗?

17⊂↹⊃00:00:59,960 --> 00:01:01,539

Down by the bay⊂↹⊃在海湾下

18⊂↹⊃00:01:02,539 --> 00:01:04,060

Where the watermelons grow⊂↹⊃西瓜在哪里生长

19⊂↹⊃00:01:05,060 --> 00:01:06,780

Back to my home⊂↹⊃回到我家

20⊂↹⊃00:01:07,579 --> 00:01:09,120

I dare not go⊂↹⊃我不敢去

21⊂↹⊃00:01:10,019 --> 00:01:11,599

For if I do⊂↹⊃因为如果我这样做

22⊂↹⊃00:01:12,459 --> 00:01:14,039

My mother will say,⊂↹⊃我妈妈会说

23⊂↹⊃00:01:15,239 --> 00:01:18,299

Did you ever see a snail delivering the mail⊂↹⊃您是否看到蜗牛寄邮件

24⊂↹⊃00:01:18,439 --> 00:01:19,759

Down by the bay?⊂↹⊃在海湾下吗?

25⊂↹⊃00:01:19,760 --> 00:01:21,540

Down by the bay⊂↹⊃在海湾下

26⊂↹⊃00:01:22,420 --> 00:01:24,280

Where the watermelons grow⊂↹⊃西瓜在哪里生长

27⊂↹⊃00:01:24,980 --> 00:01:26,660

Back to my home⊂↹⊃回到我家

28⊂↹⊃00:01:27,480 --> 00:01:29,200

I dare not go⊂↹⊃我不敢去

29⊂↹⊃00:01:30,000 --> 00:01:31,620

For if I do⊂↹⊃因为如果我这样做

30⊂↹⊃00:01:32,519 --> 00:01:34,219

My mother will say,⊂↹⊃我妈妈会说

31⊂↹⊃00:01:35,120 --> 00:01:38,400

Did you ever see a dog out for a jog⊂↹⊃你见过狗慢跑

32⊂↹⊃00:01:38,500 --> 00:01:39,959

Down by the bay?⊂↹⊃在海湾下吗?

33⊂↹⊃00:01:39,959 --> 00:01:41,599

Down by the bay⊂↹⊃在海湾下

34⊂↹⊃00:01:42,500 --> 00:01:44,280

Where the watermelons grow⊂↹⊃西瓜在哪里生长

35⊂↹⊃00:01:45,120 --> 00:01:46,800

Back to my home⊂↹⊃回到我家

36⊂↹⊃00:01:47,540 --> 00:01:49,020

I dare not go⊂↹⊃我不敢去

37⊂↹⊃00:01:50,060 --> 00:01:51,840

For if I do⊂↹⊃因为如果我这样做

38⊂↹⊃00:01:52,560 --> 00:01:54,379

My mother will say,⊂↹⊃我妈妈会说

39⊂↹⊃00:01:55,239 --> 00:01:58,359

Did you ever see a cow taking a bow⊂↹⊃你见过牛鞠躬

40⊂↹⊃00:01:58,519 --> 00:01:59,959

Down by the bay?⊂↹⊃在海湾下吗?

41⊂↹⊃00:01:59,959 --> 00:02:01,779

Down by the bay⊂↹⊃在海湾下

42⊂↹⊃00:02:02,280 --> 00:02:04,280

Where the watermelons grow⊂↹⊃西瓜在哪里生长

43⊂↹⊃00:02:05,079 --> 00:02:06,700

Back to my home⊂↹⊃回到我家

44⊂↹⊃00:02:07,560 --> 00:02:09,340

I dare not go⊂↹⊃我不敢去

45⊂↹⊃00:02:10,000 --> 00:02:11,560

For if I do⊂↹⊃因为如果我这样做

46⊂↹⊃00:02:12,560 --> 00:02:14,439

My mother will say,⊂↹⊃我妈妈会说

47⊂↹⊃00:02:15,180 --> 00:02:18,379

Did you ever see a sloth folding a cloth⊂↹⊃你有没有看到树懒衣服叠起来

48⊂↹⊃00:02:27,759 --> 00:02:30,079

Down by the bay?⊂↹⊃在海湾下吗?

49⊂↹⊃00:02:33,139 --> 00:02:38,139

Down by the bay⊂↹⊃在海湾下

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