Snoring, slugs and parasites: is it safe for cats and dogs to sleep on our beds?
Dogs can carry bacteria and parasites, while cats smuggle in gory "presents". So is it best to lock them out of the bedroom?
Early on the argument against co-sleeping with pets was about its effect on human sex lives. In the 18th century, for instance, when the keeping of lapdogs by women was becoming increasingly fashionable, popular satires depicted it as a threat to bedroom order.
早期反对与宠物同睡的论点是它会对人类性生活造成影响。例如,在 18 世纪,当女性饲养宠物狗变得越来越流行时,流行的讽刺作品认为其会对卧室秩序会造成威胁。
By the late 19th century, keeping dogs off the bed became the pet owner's duty to the dog. The idea was that an outdoor kennel was far better for a dog's health than being choked by a coal fire in a stuffy bedroom.
到 19 世纪后期,让狗远离床变成了宠物主人对宠物的责任。这个想法是,比起在闷热的卧室里被煤火呛死,户外狗舍对狗来说更健康。
As scientific inquiry continued apace, new reasons to avoid sleeping with dogs emerged in the 20th century. We learned more about the threat of disease - parasitic infections of mites and ticks, for instance. We also learned that co-sleeping risks "spoiling" the dog, apparently unlocking a wolf-like desire to overthrow the owner in a bid for "alpha" status.
随着科学探究的不断加快,20 世纪出现了避免与狗睡觉的新理由。宠物可能会带给我们一些潜在的疾病——例如,螨虫和蜱虫感染。也有人认为,与宠物狗共眠有“宠坏”它们的风险,很有可能会让它们为了获得“家庭老大”的地位释放出狼的本性进而试图推翻主人。
The simple answer is: not much. The idea that man's best friend is waiting for its moment to gain top-dog status turned out to have been built on some pretty shaky scientific foundations.
"There's no doubt that dogs can carry bacteria and parasites that could do us some harm, but generally I think the risk is very low," says Prof. James Logan. "You could argue that being exposed to some of these organisms might actually do you some good - people who have grown up with pets and other animals tend to have fewer allergies, for example."
"Most vets would recommend not letting dogs sleep near children," says Dr. Jess French. "And dogs that get used to sleeping with you can become stressed when you're away, so there is an argument that having their own safe space is the better approach."
You'll notice at this point, a distinct lack of talk about cats. Yet there are clearly arguments against having cats in the bed.
There is the obvious risk to young children and cats have shorter sleep cycles and move around more frequently, which might become a problem for light sleepers. Some cats hunt at night and bring to the bed "presents" in the form of prey or slugs stuck in their fur.
According to numerous surveys, though, about 50% of pet owners decide they can live with such drawbacks. According to their testimonies, co-sleeping with dogs and cats helps soothe anxiety and fear, stops them becoming agitated by noises, keeps away loneliness (often in both parties) and keeps the bed nice and warm.
尽管如此,根据大量调查,大约 50% 的宠物主人认为他们可以忍受这些缺点。他们表示,与狗和猫一起睡觉有助于缓解焦虑和恐惧,对噪音的抵抗力变强,宠物和人双方都不会那么孤独,而且宠物还能帮忙暖床,让床变得温暖而舒适。
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