

人气:472 ℃/2023-12-24 05:29:44



【专有名词】ABRAHAM ['eɪbrəˌhæm] n. [圣经]亚伯拉罕(基督教和伊斯兰教的先知,是上帝从地上众生中所拣选并给予祝福的人)

【专有名词】GOD [ɡɒd] n. 上帝,神

The sons of Noah who came out of the ark were Shem, Ham and Japheth.


【单词】sons 原型:son 名词复数形式 [sʌn] n. 儿子;孩子(长者对后辈的称呼)

【单词】ark 名词 [ɑːk] n. 方舟;避难所

【专有名词】Noah ['nəuə] n. [圣经]诺亚(男子名)

【专有名词】Shem n. [圣经]闪(基督教《圣经》中挪亚的长子;被认为是闪米特人的祖先)

【专有名词】Ham n. [圣经]含(诺亚的第二个儿子)

【专有名词】Japheth n. [圣经] 雅弗(诺亚的第三个儿子)

Terah, a descendant of Shem, was the father of Abraham, Nahor and Haran; and Haran was the father of Lot.


【单词】descendant 名词 [dɪ'sendənt] n. 后裔;子孙;后代

Jehovah said to Abraham, "Go from your country, your relatives, and your father's house to the land that I will show you.


【单词】relatives 原型:relative 名词复数形式 ['relətɪv] adj. 相对的;比较的;相关的 n. 亲戚

【专有名词】Jehovah [dʒɪ'həʊvə] n. [圣经]耶和华(指上帝)

And I will make of you a great nation; and I will surely bless you and make your name famous, so that you shall be a blessing.


【固定用法】so that既可以引导目的状语从句,也可以引导结果状语从句。在引导目的状语从句时,可以由in order that代替。在目的状语从句中,so that之前不用逗号,而在结果状语从句中,so that之前则往往要用逗号;另外,目的状语从句中的so that一般不可省去that,而结果状语从句中的so that则可省去that而意义不变。如:1) We arrived early so that we could get good seats.(so that在此引导一个目的状语从句,请注意目的状语从句常用can/could,may/might,will/would,should等助动词和情态动词)2) We arrived early, so (that) we got good seats.(so that在此引导一个结果状语从句。请注意结果状语从句往往不用目的状语从句所常用的助动词和情态动词)

【语法】make+宾语+adj. 意为“使某人/某事(变得)……”。如:We must make the rivers clean.

【单词】nation 名词 ['neɪʃn] n. 国家;民族

【单词】surely 副词 ['ʃʊəli] adv. 无疑;一定;稳当地;显然

【单词】bless 动词 [bles] vt. 保佑;祝福;赐福

【单词】famous 形容词 ['feɪməs] adj. 著名的;有名的

【单词】blessing 名词 ['blesɪŋ] n. 祝福;祷告;幸事

And all the families of the earth shall ask for themselves a blessing like your own."


【短语】ask for 请求,要求,寻求,寻找;例句:Who could ask for anything more? 谁还能有更多的要求呢?

【单词】earth 名词 [ɜːθ] n. 地球;泥土;世间

【单词】ask 动词 [ɑːsk] v. 询问;请求;邀请;要求

So Abraham set out, as Jehovah had commanded him; and Lot went with him.


【短语】set out 出发,开始,打算;例句:We set out with enough food. 我们带上足够的食品出发了。

【单词】commanded 原型:command 动词过去分词 [kə'mɑːnd] n. 命令;指挥;掌握 v. 命令;指挥;掌握;博得

Abraham was seventy-five years old when he left Haran.


【单词】left 原型:leave 动词过去式 [liːv] v. 离开;留给;遗留;遗赠 n. 许可;准假;告别

He took Sarah his wife and Lot his brother's son and everything that they had, and started for the land of Canaan.


【短语】start for 出发、动身(去某处);例句:We'll make an early start for the beach. 我们一早出发去海滩。

【单词】wife 名词 [waɪf] n. 妻子;夫人

【单词】brother 名词 ['brʌðə] n. 兄弟;教友;同胞;<俚>老兄

【单词】everything 代词 ['evriθɪŋ] pron. 一切;所有事物

【专有名词】Canaan n. [圣经]迦南(上帝应允给亚伯拉罕的地方)

Abraham passed through the land to a place called Shechem, to the oak of Moreh.


【短语】pass through 穿过,透过,经历;例句:The waterway is wide for many ships to pass through. 这条河很宽,足以使很多船通过。

【单词】called 原型:call 动词过去分词 [kɔːl] vt. 呼叫;打电话;把 ...称为 n. 打电话;访问;呼叫 vi. 呼叫

【单词】oak 名词 [əʊk] n. 橡树;橡木

【专有名词】Shechem n. 纳布卢斯(位于巴勒斯坦地区;东经 35º16' 北纬 32º13')

There Jehovah appeared to Abraham and said, "To your children will I give this land." There Abraham built an altar to Jehovah who had appeared to him.


【单词】appeared 原型:appear 动词过去式 [ə'pɪə] vi. 出现;出版;显得;登场

【单词】built 原型:build 动词过去式 [bɪld] v. 建造;开发;创建;逐渐增强

【单词】altar 名词 ['ɔːltə] n. (教堂内的)圣坛;祭坛

From there he removed to the hill near Bethel and pitched his tent with Bethel on one side and Ai on the other, and there too he built an altar to Jehovah and prayed to him.


【单词】removed 原型:remove 动词过去式 [rɪ'muːv] v. 消除;脱掉;免除;搬迁

【单词】hill 名词 [hɪl] n. 小山;丘陵;山冈;斜坡 vt. 堆起;培土

【单词】near 介词、从属连词 [nɪə] adj. 近的;近似的;亲近的 adv. 在附近;不久以后;几乎 prep. 附近;接近;大约;濒临 v. 接近;靠近

【单词】pitched 原型:pitch 动词过去式 [pɪtʃ] v. 搭帐篷

【单词】tent 名词 [tent] n. 帐篷 v. 住帐篷;宿营

【单词】prayed 原型:pray 动词过去式 [preɪ] v. 祈祷;请求;恳求;祈求

【专有名词】Bethel ['beθl] n. 伯特利(圣经中地名)

Now Abraham was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold;


【单词】rich 形容词 [rɪtʃ] adj. 富有的;富饶的;丰富的

【单词】cattle 名词复数形式 ['kætl] n. 牛;家畜;畜牲

【单词】silver 名词 ['sɪlvə] n. 银币;银器;银;银灰色 adj. 银的;银色的 vt. 镀银于;使 ... 成银色

【单词】gold 名词 [ɡəʊld] adj. 金色的;金制的 n. 金币;金黄色;金牌;金子

Lot also, who went with Abraham, had so many flocks and herds and tents that the land was not rich enough to support them both.


【单词】flocks 原型:flock 名词复数形式 [flɒk] n. 一群;兽群;大堆;群众;羊群 v. 聚集;成群而行

【单词】herds 原型:herd 名词复数形式 [hɜːd] n. 兽群;牧人;群 vt. 放牧;群集;使 ... 成群,把…赶到一起 vi. 聚在一起

【单词】support 动词 [sə'pɔːrt] vt.支持;承受;支撑;供养 n.支持;支撑;援助

So when there was a quarrel between Lot's herdsmen and Abraham's herdsmen, Abraham said to Lot, "I beg of you, let there be no quarrel between me and you, nor between my herdsmen and yours, for we are relatives.


【单词】quarrel 名词 ['kwɒrəl] n. 吵架;争论;怨言 vi. 吵架;争论;挑剔

【单词】herdsmen 原型:herdsman 名词复数形式 ['hɜːdzmən] n. 牧民

【单词】beg 动词 [beɡ] v. 恳求;乞讨

【单词】nor 并列连词 [nɔː] conj. 也不;也没有 adv. 也不;也没有

Is not the whole land before you?


【单词】whole 形容词 [hoʊl] adj.全部的;整体的;完整的 n.全部;整体;完整 adv.完全

I beg of you, separate yourself from me.


【单词】separate 动词 ['sepərət] adj. 分开的;不同的;单独的;各自的 v. 分开;隔开;区分;分居;脱离 n. 分开

【单词】yourself 代词 [jɔː'self] pron. 你(们)自己;你(们)亲自

If you go to the left, then I will go to the right; or if you go to the right, then I will go to the left."


So Lot looked about and saw that all the plain of the Jordan, as far as Zoar, was well watered everywhere, like a garden of Jehovah.


【短语】look about 扫视四周,环顾;例句:He took one last quick look about the room. 他朝房间匆匆扫了最后一眼。

【短语】as far as 远到...,到 ... 程度;例句:I'll keep you company as far as the station. 我将与你结伴到车站。

【单词】plain 名词 [pleɪn] adj. 清楚的;简单的;坦白的 n. 平原;广阔的区域

【单词】everywhere 副词 ['evriweə] adv. 到处,处处;无论何处

【单词】garden 名词 ['ɡɑːdn] n. 园地(用于种植花、果、菜) v. 从事园艺活动

【专有名词】Jordan 地名['dʒɔːdn] n. 约旦;约旦河

【专有名词】Zoar n. 避难所(见旧约创世记)

So Lot chose for himself all the valley of the Jordan, and lived in the cities of the plain and moved his tent as far as Sodom.


【单词】chose 原型:choose 动词过去式 [tʃuːz] v. 选择;决定

【单词】valley 名词 ['væli] n. 山谷;溪谷;流域

【单词】lived 原型:live 动词过去式 [lɪv] v. 活着;居住;过着 adj. 活的 adv. 现场

【专有名词】Sodom n. 罪恶之地

But the men of Sodom were very wicked and sinned against Jehovah.


【单词】wicked 形容词 ['wɪkɪd] adj. 坏的;邪恶的;缺德的

【单词】sinned 原型:sin 动词过去分词 [sɪn] n. 原罪 v. 犯罪;违反(教规)

Jehovah said to Abraham, after Lot had gone away from him, "Lift up your eyes and look from the place where you are northward, southward, eastward and westward, for all the land that you see I will give to you and to your children forever.


【短语】lift up 升起,举起;例句:He lifted up his little son, and mounted him on the horse. 他把儿子举起来,让他骑在马背上。

【单词】northward 副词 ['nɔːθwəd] n. 北方;北 adj. 向北的 adv. 向北

【单词】southward 副词 ['saʊθwəd] n. 南方 adj. 在南方的;往南方的 adv. 往南

【单词】eastward 副词 ['iːstwəd] adj. 向东的 adv. 向东 n. 东面

【单词】westward 副词 ['westwəd] adv. 向西 adj. 西方的;向西的 n. 西方;西部

【单词】forever 副词 [fər'evə] adv. 永远

I will make them as many as the dust of the earth, so that if a man can count the dust of the earth, then your children may also be counted.


【短语】so that 以至于,以便;例句:I study hard, so that I may not fail in the examinations. 我用功,免得考不及格。

【用法】as...as 意为"和……一样",表示同级的比较。 其基本结构为:as adj./adv. as sth.;例如:This film is as interesting as that one. 这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。

【单词】dust 名词 [dʌst] n. 灰尘;尘土;粉尘 vt. 去掉 ... 的灰尘;撒粉末于 vi. 除尘

【单词】count 动词 [kaʊnt] v. 计算;视为;依赖;重要,有价值 n. 计数;总数

Rise, walk through the length and breadth of the land, for I will give it to you."


【单词】Rise 原型:rise 动词 [raɪz] vi. 上升;升起;增加 n. 上升;增加

【单词】walk 动词 [wɔːk] v. 步行;陪...走;散步 n. 步行;散步

【单词】length 名词 [leŋθ] n. 长度;距离;一段

【单词】breadth 名词 [bredθ] n. 宽度

Then Abraham moved his tent and lived in the oak grove of Mamre, which is in Hebron, and built there an altar to Jehovah.


【单词】grove 名词 [ɡrəʊv] n. 小树林;果树园

【专有名词】Mamre [地名] n. [南非共和国] 马姆里

【专有名词】Hebron [地名] n. 希伯伦(即哈利勒)

Jehovah also appeared to Abraham by the oaks of Mamre, as he was sitting at the entrance of his tent in the heat of the day; and, as he looked up, three men stood there before him.


【单词】entrance 名词 ['entrəns] n. 入口;进入;登场

【单词】heat 名词 [hiːt] n. 热度;热;热烈;激烈;发烧 v. (使)变热;(使)激动

【单词】stood 原型:stand 动词过去式 [stænd] v. 站立;位于 n. 站立;看台

As soon as he saw them, he ran from the entrance of his tent to meet them and bowed to the ground and said, "Sirs, if you are willing to do me a favor, do not, I beg of you, pass by your servant.


【短语】be willing to do表示“乐意做某事”。be too willing to do表示非常愿意做某事,表达强烈感情色彩。如:There's not enough people willing to take the risk. 没有足够的人愿意冒这个险。

【短语】as soon as 一 ... 就;例句:I'll write you as soon as I get there. 我一到那儿就给你写信。

【单词】bowed 原型:bow 动词 [baʊ] v. 鞠躬;致敬;压弯 n. 弓;鞠躬礼

【单词】favor 名词 ['feɪvə] n. 偏爱;好意;特权;赞成 vt. 偏爱;给予;支持;关心;利于

【单词】pass 动词 [pɑːs] v. 通过;经过;度过

【单词】servant 名词 ['sɜːvənt] n. 仆人

Since you have come to your servant, let a little water be brought, that you may wash your feet, and lie down under the tree.


【时态】have(has) 动词的过去分词 是动词的“现在完成时”,这种时态主要用于表示 1.从过去某一事件发生到现在或将继续持续下去;2.过去发生的事对现在造成的影响;3.表示现在已经完成的动作;例句:I have used this pen only three times. It is still good.这支钢笔我只用过三次。它仍然是好的。

【语法】that可以引导名词性从句、定语从句;引导名词性从句时(即主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句),that在从句中无具体含义,只起连接作用,而且在从句中也不作任何句子成分;它所引导的从句的句子结构和意义是完整的,而且从句一般是陈述一个事实。例如: That she was able to come made us very happy. 她能来使我们很高兴。The news that our team has won the match is true. 我们队赢了这场比赛的消息是真的. 当that引导的主语从句或宾语从句太长时,常用it作形式主语或宾语而把that从句放在后面;例如: It is well-known that the earth is round. 众所周知,地球是圆的。that引导定语从句要注意,如果定语从句中缺主语,修饰人时用who/that,修饰物时用which/that引导;例如:Is this the factory which/that makes TV sets? 这是生产电视机的工厂吗?如果定语从句中缺宾语,修饰人时用 who/whom/that或省略引导词;修饰物时用which/that或省略引导词;例如:Gone are the days which/that we spent together in the village. 逝去的是我们一同在乡村的时光。

【单词】brought 原型:bring 动词过去分词 [brɪŋ] vt. 带来;促使;引起 vi. 产生

【单词】wash 动词 [wɒʃ] n. 洗;洗涤 v. 洗;洗涤;洗清

【单词】feet 原型:foot 名词复数形式 [fʊt] n. 脚

【单词】lie 动词 [laɪ] v. 躺下;位于;平放;延伸

And let me bring some food, that you may refresh yourselves; afterward you may go on your way." They replied, "Do as you have said."


【短语】go on 继续,往前走;例句:Let us go on to the next item on the agenda. 让我们继续讨论议程上的下一个项目。

【语法】let sb./sth. do sth. 让某人(某物)做某事;例句:Don't let your temper run away with you. 要控制住自己,不要发脾气。

【单词】refresh 动词 [rɪ'freʃ] v. (使)恢复精神;提神;提醒

【单词】afterward 副词 ['ɑːftəwəd] adv. 后来;以后

【单词】replied 原型:reply 动词过去式 [rɪ'plaɪ] v. 回答;答复;回应 n. 回答;答复

So Abraham hastened to Sarah's tent and said, "Make ready quickly four measures of fine meal, knead it, and make cakes." Abraham also ran to the herd, and took a calf that was tender and good, and gave it to the servant, and he prepared it quickly.


【单词】hastened 原型:hasten 动词过去式 ['heɪsn] v. 催促;赶快;加速

【单词】ready 形容词 ['redi] adj. 准备好的

【单词】quickly 副词 ['kwɪkli] adv. 迅速地;立刻

【单词】measures 原型:measure 名词复数形式 ['meʒə] n. 量度;尺寸 v. 测量;比较

【单词】fine 形容词 [faɪn] adj. 好的;优质的;精致的

【单词】meal 名词 [miːl] n. 一餐;膳食 n. 粗碾的谷物

【单词】knead 动词 [niːd] v. 揉(面粉等);按摩;捏制

【单词】calf 名词 [kɑːf] n. 小牛;幼崽

【单词】tender 形容词 ['tendə] adj. 温柔的;脆弱的;嫩的

【单词】prepared 原型:prepare 动词过去式 [prɪ'peə] v. 预备;准备

Then Abraham took curd and milk, with the calf which he had prepared, and served them; and he waited on them under the tree, while they ate.


【语法】while一般用于引导状语从句,表达的意思有 a. 表示时间,“当...时;在...同时”;b. 表示让步,“虽然,尽管”;c. 表示转折对比,“然而,但”。while引导的状语从句通常用一般现在时表示将来的动作或状态。;例句:I get the house all shipshape while he is away. 他不在的时候,我把房子打扫得干干净净,整整齐齐。

【单词】curd 名词 [kɜːd] n. 凝乳

【单词】served 原型:serve 动词过去式 [sɜːv] v. 服务;侍候;担任

【单词】waited 原型:wait 动词过去式 [weɪt] v. 等;等待

【单词】ate 原型:eat 动词过去式 [iːt] v. 吃

Then they said to him, "Where is your wife?" He said, "There, within the tent." One of them said, "I will surely return to you about nine months from now, and then, Sarah your wife shall have a son."


【单词】within 介词 [wɪ'ðɪn] prep. 在(某段时间、距离或范围)内;在…里面

【单词】return 动词 [rɪ'tɜːn] v. 返回;归还;回报;回应;申报 n. 归还;返回

【单词】months 原型:month 名词复数形式 [mʌnθ] n. 月,月份

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