

人气:380 ℃/2023-10-24 13:26:19



Here is the body wash.

Push here to make bubbles.

Wash wash wash rub rub rub. 洗洗洗搓搓搓。

It's so much fun!太好玩啦!

Don't forget to wash your hair.别忘了洗头发。

We can rub a little shampoo into your hair. Like this. 我们可以放点洗发水揉到你的头发里,就像这样。

Now we can rinse out your hair.现在可以把头发冲干净。

Let me know when you want to get out of the tub. 等你准备好出来了告诉我。

And then we'll dry off with a towel.然后我们可以用毛巾擦干。

婴儿洗澡Baby taking bath

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