绝望的北极熊。没有雪也没有冰朴,在阿拉斯加的巴特群岛上一只孤独的北极熊正绝望地寻找栖息地。当地居民告诉摄影师,今年1 0月这里的气温变得异常暖和。Desperate polar bears. Without snow or ice, a lone polar bear desperately seeks a habitat in Alaska's bart islands. Residents told the photographer that the temperature became unusually warm in January and October
消失的岛屿】由于海平面上升,印度西孟加拉邦恒河三角洲地区的许多岛屿正面临着快速消失的危险。当地居民的家园和土地正以相当快的速度下沉,人们面对着一个阴暗的未来,他们随时都可能成为气候变化下的难民。Many islands in the Ganges delta region of west Bengal, India, are in danger of disappearing fast because of rising sea levels. The homes and lands of local people are sinking at a fairly rapid rate, and people face a bleak future where they could become refugees at any moment under climate change
消失的岛屿】由于海平面上升,印度西孟加拉邦恒河三角洲地区的许多岛屿正面临着快速消失的危险。当地居民的家园和土地正以相当快的速度下沉,人们面对着一个阴暗的未来,他们随时都可能成为气候变化下的难民。Many islands in the Ganges delta region of west Bengal, India, are in danger of disappearing fast because of rising sea levels. The homes and lands of local people are sinking at a fairly rapid rate, and people face a bleak future where they could become refugees at any moment under climate change.
洪水中的妇人】在孟加拉国的杰马勒布尔,一名女性划着木筏在洪水中前行。这里已经遭受了热带气旋、洪水、滑坡、干旱等严重的自然灾害,由于气候变化,未来灾害的强度和舞焘霋会增加。Flood woman: a woman paddles a raft through floodwaters in jemalpur, Bangladesh. Here has suffered tropical cyclones, floods, landslides, such as serious natural disasters, drought due to climate change, the strength of the future disasters and dance event 霋 will increase.
龟裂的土地】在西孟加拉一片广袤的地区干旱导致了严重的缺水问题。这里早已无法耕种,人们不得不去到很远的地方取水池塘、河流也已枯竭只剩下干旱的荒漠。Drought has caused severe water shortages in a vast area of west Bengal. It was no longer arable land, and people had to travel far to fetch water. Ponds and rivers had dried up, leaving only arid deserts.
不断扩大的冰洞】在过去的几个园节里,冰川内的冰洞因为气候变暖而快速扩大。自2000年以来,冰岛的冰川在不到1 5年的时间星濑小了12%。Growing ice 】 garden section, in the past few glacier ice within the fast expanding because of climate warming. Since 2000, the glacier in Iceland, in less than 1 star wrasse small 12% of the time for five years
因组特人四君境1在惜凌三乐鄙)车詈办完四因组特人,通过狩猎来维持家人的生计o由于今年冰雪融化得过快捕猎变得极其困难。然而在冰雪融化的夏季,他们也买不起船只出海打势After cursing the four Inuit, they had to support their families by hunting. As the snow and ice melted too fast this year, hunting became extremely difficult. But in the melting summer, they can't afford a boat out to sea
被抽干的鱼塘】在以色列,严重的干旱使水费变得无比昂贵,鱼塘主不得逐躲纂是的水放弃养鱼。A severe drought in Israel has made water so expensive that the owner of the fish pond has been forced to abandon fish farming.
夜回觅食[旧动物】飞候变暖导致动物饮水园雁。双场里丢掉的烂橘子,成了动物的美食。这些疣猪和狒狒在一起出现觅食,然而之前它们很少会在天黑后出没Warming weather causes wild geese to drink water. Two field lost rotten orange, became the food of the animals. The warthog and baboon appeared together for food, though they had rarely been seen before after dark
- 1儿童溺水急救8个步骤图解 孩子溺水,倒背控水359
- 2刺猬身上的刺大多都是什么颜色的?蓝奇奇说科普,刺猬的刺究竟有何作用320
- 3狗狗掉毛严重是要换毛了嘛,狗狗掉毛很严重做好这5点356
- 4燕窝睡眠面膜的正确使用方法,一碗相当于敷30张面膜号称平价燕窝297
- 5猫咪为什么总喜欢打翻垃圾桶?为什么几乎所有的猫都沉迷于翻垃圾桶呢216
- 6第一天抱回家的小猫和我很亲近:我的两只小猫就像我的2个孩子一样112
- 7狗狗翻垃圾桶怎么纠正?狗狗翻垃圾桶是一种坏习惯250
- 8大型犬狗窝自制方法海绵:手工狗窝两个月就变小了261
- 9怎样才能让龟吃龟粮 想让龟什么食物都吃这需要去训练它吗286
- 10网红虐待猫后续 网红虐猫引发全网震怒319