

人气:195 ℃/2023-09-06 19:53:42

Study: Dogs Can Feel Their Owners' Stress, Too





1)When dog owners experience a long period of stress, they are not alone in feeling the pressure. Their dogs feel it, too.


2)That information comes from new a study published Thursday in Scientific Reports.


3)Swedish scientists centered the research on 58 people who own border collies or Shetland sheepdogs. Both are traditionally herding dogs.



Border Collies: 英 [ˈbɔːdə(r) ˈkɒliz] 美 [ˈbɔːrdər ˈkɑliz] 边境牧羊犬, 原产于苏格兰边境,为柯利牧羊犬的一种,特点是聪明、学习能力强、理解力高、容易训练、善于和主人沟通、温和、忠诚、服从性好,其忠心程度可以用如影随形来形容。由于温和忠诚的性格不乱叫,一度成为最受城市人口欢迎的宠物。而且边境牧羊犬还是飞盘狗最具竞争力的犬种,是历年飞盘狗世界杯大赛的主角。


Shetland sheepdogs: 喜乐蒂牧羊犬,原产苏格兰,因产地原因得名Shetland sheepdog,简称sheltie(喜乐蒂)。在古代的时候,喜乐蒂牧羊犬是非常好的牧羊犬,耐寒、体力好、视野宽阔、忠实、聪明、可靠,使用范围非常广。

4)The scientists examined hair from the dog owners and their dogs. They looked at the levels of a hormone called cortisol. This chemical is released into the bloodstream during stressful experiences. Pieces of hair can take in this chemical.


注:【皮质醇】1. 压力状态下身体需要皮质醇来维持正常生理机能;如果没有皮质醇,身体将无法对压力作出有效反应。若没有皮质醇,当狮子从灌木丛中向我们袭来时,我们就只能吓得屁滚尿流、目瞪口呆动弹不得。 2. 然而借由积极的皮质醇代谢,身体能够启动起来逃走或者搏斗;因为皮质醇分泌能释放氨基酸(来自肌肉)、葡萄糖(来自肝脏)以及脂肪酸(来自脂肪组织),这些被输送到血液里充当能量使用。 3. 我们都有压力,其中那些承受重复压力的人,或者生活节奏紧张的人,或者正在节食的人,或者每晚睡眠少于8小时的人,都很有可能长期处在压力状况下,从而使他们的皮质醇水平长期偏高。这时皮质醇的负面效应开始显现为新陈代谢的变动:血糖升高、食欲增加、体重上升、性欲减退以及极度疲劳等等。

5)Depression, extreme physical exercise and unemployment are just a few examples of stress causers that can affect the amount of cortisol released in humans, said Lina Roth of Sweden's Linkoping University.

瑞典林克平大学的Lina Roth说:抑郁、极端体育锻炼、失业只是压力来源的少数几个例子,能影响人体身上释放的皮质醇的含量。

6)Roth and her team found that cortisol levels in the hair of dog owners closely matched levels found in their dogs. The researchers say this suggests their stress levels were in sync -- or connected.

Lina Roth和她的团队发现:狗主人头发里皮质醇的含量与狗狗毛发里皮质醇的含量高度吻合,研究者说:这显示他们的压力程度是同步的———或者说,是有关系的。

in sync:moving or working at exactly the same time and speed as sb/sth else 同步

7)Roth believes that the owners are influencing the dogs instead of dogs influencing their human owners. That is because there are human personality traits that also appear to affect dogs' cortisol levels.

Lina Roth认为:狗主人影响着狗狗,而不是狗狗影响着狗主人。这是因为人类所有的个性特征也似乎影响着狗狗的皮质醇含量。

8)But, why is it that people influence their dogs and not the other way around? It could be, Roth said in an email, because people are "a more central part of the dog's life, whereas we humans also have other social networks.”

但是,为什么是人类影响着狗狗,而不是反过来呢?Lina Roth在一封邮件里说:这似乎是因为:人类“在狗狗的生命中是比较重要的一部分,而我们人类还有其他的社交网络。”(我们人类是狗狗的唯一,狗狗却不是我们人类的唯一。)

9)The study results are no surprise, said Alicia Buttner. She is director of animal behavior with the Nebraska Humane Society in the American city of Omaha.

美国奥马哈的动物行为专家Alicia Buttner说:这个研究结果也不奇怪。

Omaha: 美 [ˈoʊməˌhɑ] n.奥马哈(美国内布拉斯加州东部一城市)

10)Buttner said new evidence is continually found to show people and their dogs have extremely "close bonds that resemble the ones that parents share with their children.”

Alicia Buttner说:越来越多的新证据显示:人类和自己的狗狗之间有极其“密切的关系, 就像父母与自己的孩子之间的关系一样。”

bond: A bond between people is a strong feeling of friendship, love, or shared beliefs and experiences that unites them.(情感的)纽带,契合,关系

11)Buttner also said there is not enough evidence to prove that the influence goes only one way.

Alicia Buttner还说:现在还没有足够证据证明狗主人与狗狗之间的这种影响只有一种方式。

12)She said, "It's not just as simple as owner gets stressed, dog gets stressed.” 她说:“它不是简单的狗主人压力山大,狗狗就压力山大。”

13)Buttner said cortisol levels do not necessarily demonstrate "bad" stress. They instead can be representative of a good experience like getting ready to go for a walk, she said.

Alicia Buttner说:皮质醇含量不一定意味着“负面”压力,他们反而可能代表着一段好的经历,比如,做好了准备去散步。

14)Roth and her team plan to investigate whether other kinds of dogs react to their owners the same way. Lina Roth和她的团队计划调查是否其他类型的狗狗也同样受到主人情绪的影响。

15)For now, she offers advice for reducing how much stress a dog owner may be causing their pet. Dogs that play more show fewer signs of stress, she said. 目前,她给狗狗造成心理压力的狗主人的建议:玩耍多的狗狗压力迹象少一些。

16)So "just be with your dog and have fun," Roth said.



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